Nothing like staying up half the night when you could be sleeping wonderfully.

But no, I had to go next door and allow them to cause me to stay up and watch a movie… as there were many things that are just not right being done in the room.  I will leave it all to your imaginations.  But BJ was supposed to be studying.. but failed to do so and was trying to sleep…  he was being threatened to be awakened in a most unpleasant manner.

I suppose I should go to Algebra tomorrow.  I hear occasional attendance is favorable to none.  At least I don’t have any homework that I am just starting to work on now *mocks ronnie*.

My keys are currently locked in the gym.  Stupid me put them down on the bench, and I thought to myself, “you know, you’re going to forget them if you put them down”, but then I did anyway because it was more convenient at the time…  and surely enough, I forgot them.  After taking my shower and walking back to the gym, I discovered that the lights were off and that it was in fact quite closed.  I was sad.  I needed water, I had no water… . I had no keys to start my car to go and get water in.  You see, when your shirt is comepletely drenched, and it is the substance that it is entirely drenched in is your own sweat, that means you are in need of drinking water.  Lisa was kind enough to bestow upon me 2 of the finest bottles of Zephyrhills natural spring water that I have ever consumed.

Yes, yes, such a wonderfully exciting life I lead.  I talk about how I went and drank water.  I know you’re all jealous… I’d want to be me too.

I’m tired.  This is all crazy talk.  I should just go to sleep.


“fountains and flourescent lights
the season has come,
the snowbirds have crowded the nights
the townies are tired of beaches and bars
being packed so tight
and bridges and traffic and inlets are locked in their fight

and on these boats
ride the hopes of…
working class boys, dreaming of girls from faraway points
and better things
like winter flings
and longing after spring has sprung
and they fly north when winter’s done
and we get burned in summer’s sun

fountains and flourescent lights
when the season has come,
the snowbirds have crowded the nights
townies and tourists find unlikely love at first sight
and swear that they’re never leaving,
and that is their plight

and on these boats
ride the hopes of…
working class boys, dreaming of girls from faraway points
and better things
like winter flings
and longing after spring has sprung
they fly north when winter’s done
and we get burned in summer’s sun

this winter is lasting forever
at least for tonight
and i know that you’re never leaving
until your flight takes you off
and out of my arms
and into the air
so far from your charms
that I cannot bear
another year
in this long forgotten beach town we once shared

and this winter is lasting forever
at least for tonight
and i know that you’re never leaving,
never leaving me again
not again.”

-“Snowbirds and Townies,” by Further Seems Forever

Ok, now on to part 2 of things that I don’t like about common Christianity ;).  Or at least, what seems to be prevalent in the A/G.

I have had nice long discussions about this with other people about this one with many people…  one of which happened to be during church, after my short attention span had lost interest…  Anyway, we were then yelled at and forced to stop talking 😉  No, I do not encourage not paying attention in church, however, when you rarely get to talk to a person you can make exceptions to such rules… or at least that’s what I keep telling myself.  Anyway, on to the point.

The point is this: Often-times the church picks things which are very fictional and mysterious and creative and labels them as “evil”.  Now before I go anywhere with this, yes, I know that their intentions are good, but I think in actuality intentions don’t really mean much of anything.  The greatest harm can come from the best intentions.

The things I speak in reference to are of course things such as “Harry Potter”… and before that it was “Pokemon”… and before that it was… I dunno… some other thing.  My question is this… has anyone who is adamantly against these things ever actually read/watched these things and NOT read a whole bunch of predetermined stuff into it?  I have never read Harry Potter, but I have seen the movie.  There is NOTHING in it that I consider bad.  The only concern that anyone MIGHT have is that it will put an interest in magic in little kids.  So what?  Any half-decent Christian parent should explain that to their kids.  The magic of Harry Potter is a very fictional magic, and all you have to tell kids is “it’s not real”.  Pokemon I have seen several times, and I will never understand why anyone things it is evil.  It is an incredibly stupid and boring show, yes.  But it is not evil in even the slightest way.  I think Christians need to STOP looking for things to cast judgement on and condemn as evil.  There’s this saying.. that’s kind of cliche.  “Pick your battles”.  For anyone who may not be familiar with it… although I think probably everyone is…  it means you need to pick the things that are REALLY and TRULY important, and fight for them, rather then all the little things that don’t really matter in the end.  The fact of the matter is, I *KNOW* for a fact that such things are hurting ministry, because of some of the comments that my sister has made.  People just think that the church is stupid, judgemental, etc, when it condemns things such as Harry Potter.

I just wish that people would be less uptight about things.  Just because things aren’t biblical truth that doesn’t make them satanic and evil.  It’s called FICTION because it’s NOT TRUE.

-End rant

On a completely unrelated topic, I have moved my writings site to, and I have even updated the main page there with a little bit of what I have been thinking… feel free to stop by it.

Anyway, it’s late.

Be blessed.

Huh.  Go figure 😉


i tend to speak in riddles, and getting a straight answer out of me is indeed a notable moment. while i may act a little crazy, i am actually quite lucid and tend to be the voice of reason. my sanity is in a good balance with my insanity.
how mad are you?
this quiz was made by piksy

All right… no post yesterday.  Sorry to all of those of you who came here desperately wanting to hear from me….  I hope you made it through.

I don’t know if this just happens to me, or if it happens to other people, but it is a strange thing that I notice from time to time.  People, seemingly at random, seem to decide they don’t want to talk to me anymore for awhile.  Generally they eventually seem to come back out of this state, but I don’t really understand it.  There are a couple people right now that seem to be doing this.

I certainly don’t feel as though I have done anything to warrant it or anything… I the cases of one of them….  I hardly EVER see her…  and her not talking to me has been, you know, on Instant Messenger… I see her on a lot… send her IMs a lot, but… she never responds…  I don’t get it.  But this is not nearly the first time it has happened. 

Anyway, in Systematic Theology I have been finding out that I largely disagree with portions of like all denominations.  Anyway, my major disagreement with A/G is this: the fact that anyone who has been divorced since conversion cannot become a licensed or ordained minister.  And I’ll tell you why that bugs me.  The basis of Christianity is forgiveness and the idea that God can change people.  By saying that a person who has been divorced cannot be ordained, you are, either intentionally or unintentionally, exhibiting to people incomplete forgiveness.  Because to me that communicates that the A/G does not believe that God can use that person.  In a sense, I can understand why they might make that policy, but I still do not agree with it.

Ummm.. all for now.  I’m sick of writing 😉

Old friend, your horse is ready to ride when morning comes. From this church town where damning rumors drip from holy tongues.

And it won’t go away,
it won’t go away,
it won’t go away.

The fever to find the scapegoat fast and fix the blame.
I know you never meant to leave the way you came.

And it won’t go away,
it won’t go away,
it won’t go away.

Looking down from their stain glass steeples
they’ll never know why you had to run.

Ride as fast as you can, they’re shooting to kill.
Ride as fast as you can, they’re shooting to kill.”

-“Suspect Fled the Scene,” by Pedro the Lion

Thanks to everyone for the compliments on my little writing thing 😉  I’m glad you all liked it.  Anyone who hasn’t read it/commented on it yet, please let me know what you think.  You can either comment about it on this post, or on it… makes no difference to me 🙂

So today was kind of an interesting day… it had it’s slow points… it had it’s fun points.  My arms are sore from the weight room at the moment… and I have a small blister on my hand now (the one on my ankle is almost entirely gone).  But yeah, I’m proud of myself for being consistent with that (every other day ;)).  Actually that’s not nearly as hard as running is.  I absolutely hate running 😉  The weight room stuff is easy… just takes a long time.

Anyway, I’m starting to get into this anime thing finally.  Lots of people down here are really into it, and I’ve been kind of.. not so much…  but recently I find myself actually watching it rather then just glancing at it occasionally when it’s on.  Just talked to one of the guys next door for awhile about some stuff he likes actually.  One thing in particular that sounds really cool is Samurai X.  Just from everything he said about it it sounds like a really interesting story and stuff.  Plus he was like really hyped about it.. obviously liked it a lot… so I’m sure that made it come off as really cool too.  But yeah, I’m going to check it out.  His wall scroll of it looked really nice too…  so yeah…

Oh yeah, and check this out:


And now I sleep, for I am tired and have class in 6 hours.

(EDIT: Lol… I just went to this site, and this thing is stinking hilarious 😉  Check it out:,31697,

Today was a long, slow day….  I’m glad tomorrow is wednesday….  that’ll be a little easier on me.  I hate operating on like 4 hours of sleep.  It’s rough.

I tried using my spare car key today….  it turns out the guy at walmart did a pretty poor job of copying it. I tried using it and it failed to work.. then came back and looked for my regular keys (which my roommate lost).  Upon finding them… the copy that they made me doesn’t even LOOK like it’s a copy of the key.  The guy that made it must have been on crack or something.  Geez 😉

Anyway… the thing I was going to write.  It probably sucks, and I haven’t really put too much effort into it.. like I haven’t reread it and made changes and such… so.. yeah.  I’m sure it’s not any good, but here it is anyway.

And now… without further ado…

“The Hero”

“He rose from the east, bold and shining with the rising sun.  Strong and powerful; clearly a man to be reckoned with.  Shining eyes took in the world; a world of desperation.  It challenged him, this world.  It challenged him, and he accepted.  Upon himself he placed the duty of protection.  His strong arms a shelter for the broken.  His heart an open vessel for their burdens.  Into it was poured hatred, bitterness, resentment, hurt, and fear.  It beat heavily.  He bound himself to them.  And dark times came.  Taking to his sword, he met the attacks, steel for steel.  And in doing so was inflicted with wounds that should not be his own.  Overrun, he collapsed to the ground in exhaustion.  Broken, covered in dirt.   “He is nothing.”  The people shook their heads, ashamed in their trust of this man.  He lay shaking, sobbing, choking on blood and tears.  An arm reached out towards his people, as men in glowing armor rode past him on horseback from the west.  His eyes lost their shine, as his people chose their new lords.  Strength ceased to flow through his veins.  His spirit was crushed under the setting sun…  There is no hero.”

And now to quote a song 😉

Spring comes slowly to this old friend.
Still I’m frozen, I still live alone.

In time memories fade, senses numb,
one forgets how it feels to have loved completely.

Love well young man, while you still can.
Once your leaves turn you won’t love again.

In time memories fade, senses numb,
one forgets how it feels to have loved completely, completely.

Is it special when you’re lonely,
will you spend your whole life
in a studio apartment with a cat for a wife?
The seasons, when they call you
do you barricade the door?
Are you stubborn, stubborn,
stubborn to the core?
Is it your way or the highway?
Is it your way or the highway?
Is it your way or the highway?
Is it your way or the highway?
Then the longest winter is on her way,
you called her without knowing it
but now it’s too late.”

-“The Longest Winter,” by Pedro the Lion

I will add more to this post later tonight.

I just found out about this song, and I really like it a lot.

I reccomend finding and downloading it.. but.. check out the lyrics:

A sinking feeling has been lurking at your door,
That it is real you can’t deny you must ignore.

Sing like the angel that you know you’ll never be,
And try to pin the blame on me.

The heart that beats inside your chest the awful need,
It burns with holy fire, righteousness, and greed.

Sing like the angel that you know you’ll never be,
And try to pin the blame on me.
Like the angel that you know you’ll never be,
But you still try and pin the blame on me.”

-“Breadwinner You,” by Pedro the Lion

So I have this great idea for a poem or writing of some kind.  At first I thought a poem would be cool.. but then I was like.. I could do a lot better if I didn’t worry about that at all and just wrote like a paragraph.  Anyway, I was going to write it tonight and put it up here, but then it ended up being 2:30 by the time I was done writing my Radio Production paper, for my Radio class which is at 8 in fact… 😉  yeah for less then 5 hours of sleep ;).  So I do not have time to sit and think about something like that to write it.  However, I *CAN* tell you that it is called “The Hero” and that I think it is a really neat idea, though I will probably butcher the idea and it will probably not even be worth reading.  Oh well.  I’m going to make the attempt anyway ;).

I have determined that I really need to learn how to make myself tell girls “no”.  Stupid girls asked me to play volleyball today, and I agreed to.. and then I was reminded of why I never play 😉  My God do I suck horribly ;).  Then I tripped on the stupid line that marks the out of bounds and looked like a retard (in addition to being a retard).  Were it guys that had asked me, I most definately would have said “maybe some other time,” but no, they had to be female, didn’t they?  One of these days I will be able to resist the fairer gender.  I think.  Probably not.  I am weak and have no will of my own when it comes to that.

Why is it that so many people I know read this and never comment on it?  It’s amazing… I am constantly finding out people read this that I had no idea did…  and a lot of them I really wouldn’t have even thought that they would KNOW about this site.  It makes me wonder what some of them have seen, because there’s been a time or two I’ve posted some not too pleasant stuff, only to remove it a few hours or a day later…   heh..  oh well :).  In any case, if you read this, comment you lazy bum!  I am not here to merely entertain you, but to be entertained!  Are you not entertained?  Well, I challenge you to a duel! I demand satisfaction (name that show/character and you will recieve 1 imaginary canadian dollar.. I can’t afford the imaginary U.S. ones..).

At any rate, the time for sleeping is upon me.  I wish you all a wonderful day.

“This is where the water becomes shallow
And nothing here is quite as deep
As you hoped it would be

You wish the lines were drawn a little clearer
The tides have turned
This drought will burn
And everything is falling out of place

And drying in the sun
Shriveling and shrinking
The hides are turning brown
Wrinkling and stinging

As you bury yourself

Deep in the dust
Of the sandiest grave you can find
It’s a new desert life

To be reborn again
Out of glass and of sand
And you’re glimmering and you are clear

This is where
The water is shallow and nothing is as deep
As you hoped it would be

And this drought will burn
And everything’s falling, everything’s falling
And everything’s falling
Out of place . . .

And you’re glimmering and you are clear…”

-“A New Desert Life,” by Further Seems Forever

The following is an excerpt from C.S. Lewis’ “The Weight of Glory”:

“If all the world were Christian, it might not matter at all if the world were uneducated.  But, as it is, a cultural life will exist outside the Church whether it exists inside or not.  To be ignorant and simple now — not to be able to meet the enemies on their own ground — would be to throw down our weapons , and to betray our uneducated brethren who have, under God, no defence but us against the intellectual attacks of the heathen.  Good philosophy must exist, if for no other reason, because bad philosophy needs to be answered.”

He goes on to make some more really good points, but I would end up quoting like the rest of the chapter if I went on any further… so.. yeah 🙂

Basically, I think Christians shouldn’t throw everything to “faith” like they do.  Certainly, some things simply cannot be explained, and faith certainly has it’s place, but God gave us more then faith, and we should make use of the intellectual faculties that he gave us.  Know what you believe and why you believe it.

I think a good challenge for everyone is this: When someone asks you “how do you know that God is real?”, you should be able to answer their question…. and you should be able to answer it without saying something stupid like “because the bible says so”.  If they don’t believe in God, they surely don’t believe that the Bible has any real credibility… so your saying that is completely useless.

Just a little something I was thinking about.

In completely unrelated news….  in accordance with myself being in a lot of pain…. first the massive bug bite, then great pain and soreness in my arms from the stupid weight room…. NOW… a large, puffy blister on the back of my ankle.  It was caused by part of my shoe getting bent over and rubbing it as I was running last night.  I was not pleased.

I saw Blindside’s music video for Pitiful.  It is cool, just as the song is.

So why don’t you DOWNLOAD it?

That is all.

“She said what I was supposed to think
Thank God for freedom
Thank God for liberation
(She said) Now we are allowed to think
Now we are allowed to feel lust without cute boring love

But don’t you ever just like me
Long for purity
Don’t you ever
Get sick of our territories

What are you so scared of sister
What made you so afraid to feel
To chose a stone cold liberation
The one thing I hate most about me
Is the one thing you want to make your trademark
To feel lust without cute boring love

But don’t you ever just like me
Long for purity
Don’t you ever
Get sick of our territories
Don’t you ever feel like glass
Fragile, hurting, letting it pass
Don’t you think it’s time to trespass

But when the fire is gone
Who are you?
What are you so scared of sister?
I’m just as scared as you”

-“Cute Boring Love,” by Blindside

For all of you who are worried from my last post….  all 2 of you… don’t worry…. it looks like I’m going to pull through…  thanks to the wonderful doctors at Occupational Health Partners in Lakeland, FL.  They have saved me from certain death at the hands of merciless poisonous bugs.

Anyway, I went there, and they looked at it and were like “yep, it’s a massive bug bite all right.  Way to recognize that.”  and I said “yeah, I’m pretty observant.”  The end.

Not really, then I had to go and get this medicine that I was given a prescription for.  I still think it’s odd that I need prescription medicine for a stinking bug bite 😉  Anyway though….  I needed to find a pharmacy where my insurance would pay for the stuff…  more easily said then done…  according to United Healthcare (my insurance company)… on their website there is a “Pharmacy Online” section… which contains a thing that lets you search for a nearby pharmacy that accepts them…  You go to the little “site tour” thing, and it tells you all about it… it even shows you pictures of where it’s supposed to be… unfortunately… it is NOT THERE… ANYWHERE… I looked… for like an hour… but to no avail.

So anyway, eventually my parents finally called me and told me the places I could go.  And I went and got it.  And then I took it… and this morning… when I woke up… my bug bite had shrunk to normal size!  It was wonderful.

I also watched the movie Swimfan last night.  It was actually a lot better of a movie then I thought it would be…  but wait!  don’t go see it just yet.  This movie upset me moreso then I have been upset by a movie in a long time.  The events of the movie are so upsetting that NO ending could have satisfied me.  The amount of pain I wished inflicted on that girl knew no bounds.  And for those of you who have seen it… the scalpel scene…..  I just about flipped out.  If she had done that, I would have hit someone.

Also, the new Blindside cd is exceptional.

“as I recall when my stomach turned
and I was hiding away from myself
away from you
like nothing but something was terribly wrong
and I admit that I was only waiting for the right time (right time)
right moment for you to look away
though you never did I pretended for a while
so I could walk where I don’t belong

I remember every word you said
come back in time come back
and I remember I was too beaten
pitiful so pitiful

but I know as they hammered those nails
into your beautiful hands
your eyes they tried to search for mine
but I look away
now your eyes are the only thing that can save me
I’m still afraid of them piercin’
you break into my prison
just pretended for a while
my soul is sad and I walk away

I remember every word you said
come back in time come back
and I remember I was too beaten
pitiful so pitiful

so pitiful

and I remember every word you said
but this time I won’t look away
and I remember every word you said
and this time I won’t look away

and I remember every word you said
come back in time come back
and I remember I was so beaten
pitiful so pitiful

and I remember every word you said (pitiful)
come back in time come back (pitiful)
and I remember I was too beaten (pitiful)
pitiful so pitiful”

“Pituful,” by Blindside

AAAAAAAAA!!!   Make it go away!

I have a massive bug bite on my arm.  Seriously, this thing is fricken HUGE.  It’s like a second elbow… except without the joint… or the elbow… and just a big massive swelling.  Or something like that.  I tried to take a picture of it so you folks could see the wonder that it is, but, my camera is not cooperating.  It also kind of aches and stuff, it’s not fun.  Spiders are evil.  Of the devil.  Of course, at this point I just kind of assume it was a spider… I don’t really know.

So now I wait for it to be time to go to the doctor…. I have missed 2 classes in my efforts to locate the doctor’s office, and make an appointment.  It’s a lot more difficult then you might think.

So anyway, if I’m dead in a few days, it is due to massive bug-like creatures digging their long, slimy, hideous fangs into my arm and injecting large quantities of putrid burning poisonous liquids into my veins…….

just thought I’d share that with you.