Well, in a few more hours I will be heading off towards Panama City (which, contrary to popular assumption, is in Florida, not Panama… although I guess more likely then not there is also a Panama City in Panama… but regardless, no, I am not going to Panama ;))…. It will be a long drive, but that’s ok. I can listen to music for a long time… and force my mom to drive my car while I sleep. 😉 That’ll be a good time.
I hate packing. So I always put it off to the last possible moment. I just packed for like the last 2 hours…. I am not done. (note that I am packing for college, not just this trip, if you don’t know that). It is terrible. And I will forget tons of stuff, because I always do.
Ah well.
May or may not post this next week… I’m sure I will be able to get on the internet, but I doubt I’ll spend much time at all doing it while at the beach… so… if I don’t… You’ll certainly hear from me once I get to school. 😉
As a final note, if I didn’t say bye to you, then… i guess… bye. I am not sorry that I didn’t do it in person, because, it is your own fault. I feel no obligation whatsoever to hunt you down and say bye 😉
All right then. So uhhh… bye.
Monthly Archives: August 2003
i am way tired.
so i am going to go to sleep.
“Shame on you! Girls are never stupid.”
Posted 8/26/2003 at 1:20 PM by MississippiQueen
The above is a true statement…. if by “Shame on you!” you mean “You’re awesome!” and by “never” you mean “always”.
i want to take a quick moment to just say that Heather is the awesomest. I am filth and lower than garbage. she is queen and better than all things beautiful. she is winner, i am loser. she is awesome and i am not.
you should all subscribe to her site b/c she is so great. (billythestick)
and that’s all i have to say about that.
I would just like to inform you that none of the above statements were written by me. They were actually written by the wicked and deceitful Heather Dluhy. She is not to be trusted. Henceforth, she is banned from the usage of my computer, until further notice… the jerk.
Do the only good and acceptable thing: unsubscribe from her site, and never read it again. Or, if you never have before, simply do not go to it.
Stupid girls.
Bye now.
This is fairly amusing…… check it out 😉
(requires Quicktime)
Well, I feel like being at school right now. Just… I don’t know.. for some reason sitting here contemplating what I want to do at this exact moment… all of them involve being at school… heh. Oh well. Not long to wait, I guess.
Then of course, seeing as it’s been awhile, I wouldn’t mind hitting the beach either… and I’ll be doing that in a week. Good times.
But I never managed to do the Cedar Point thing this summer. One day, maybe? I guess? I’ll just have to try and make up for it by making sure I pull off a Islands of Adventure trip sometime this semester.
That’s all I guess. Just wanted to post something.
So here is a post to answer a question or 2….
Regarding the picture, people keep asking if my tongue is swollen, because, apparently, it looks like it is. Ummm.. it probably is a little swollen, but not a lot. It is probably simply the angle of the picture which causes it to look that way. It is a really crappy camera, and it is next to impossible to get it to focus correctly… so.. yeah.
As to if it hurt or not…. No, the piercing did not hurt. All you feel is pressure. Note that this does not mean the piercing is without discomfort of any kind. It was pretty sore the first 2 days, and remains a little sore even now. But as long as I don’t eat anything stringy or chewy or sticky it isn’t bad.
As to if I like it… yes, I do. My only complaints are the soreness, and the fact that the barbell is a little big. I will be getting a smaller one in a few weeks probably.
I have also been asked several times why I wanted it. I don’t really know for sure, but… I had wanted it for like 2 years, and just happened to have money to spend on it. My best explanation for wanting it is this: oral fixation. I am the type of person who constantly sticks stuff in their mouth, whether it is something that really should go there or not…. gum, candy, guitar picks, etc…. so i guess it only makes sense that I would want something in my mouth.
That is all for this question and answer section. Please direct any further questions to my comment box.
So today is my first monday of not having had to go to work! and it was everything I hoped for 😉 Slept till noon…. played games… watched tv… read a bit… ahh… that’s good stuff there 😉 oh, i did clean out my car some. I was going to vaccuum it even.. but… i couldn’t find the little vacuum cleaner. And the large vaccuum cleaner is just… well.. too large… for car cleaning purposes. But hey, it’s a lot cleaner then it was… there is just some small leaves and paper/wrapper pieces on the floor.
I think I know what song I am going to sing tomorrow. It’s normally like… i dunno… kinda punkish i guess. But I am going to play it acoustically. If I play it. There is another possibility too. And then a third, if neither of the 2 possibilities work out… the third one definately will because I already know the song, but I don’t really want to do that one. It’s a good song and all, but…. it’s kind of repetitive I think.
Anyway, it’s good to hear everyone is in agreement with this Pepsi being stupid thing. However, I am hungry, and I think I will soon seek out food. So I am going to go now.
So apparently after Pepsi’s horrible failure of Pepsi Blue as competition for vanilla coke last summer…. they have decided to give in and do as they always do…. just do the exact same thing coke did and be like… “hey look! we just copied coke’s idea! but ours is better because we’re pepsi and we’re awesome! our commercial has a truck with hydraulics and really big speakers on it! yeah! that means pepsi vanilla is better then vanilla coke!”
Yeah… Pepsi is stupid.
Don’t support stupidity… drink Vanilla Coke 😉
wow… so Xanga is back. it feels like it’s been awhile since I used it. Of course, I guess that’s cuz it’s been over a week.. almost 2 I think… cuz well… I was busy, and then it was down for awhile… heh. I’m glad it’s back… I have missed it.
So for those of you who don’t know… I am now done working at the Toys R Us DC. It was pretty hellish and terrible, but it is now over, and whenever I think about how I never have to do it again, I am filled with joy.
I didn’t go to purple door, even though I kinda wanted to. Decided I would rather not spend the money since I had already seen most of the bands recently… only really would have been going for Brave Saint, and I’d have had to go by myself to see that.
Oh, again, for those who don’t know, I got my tongue pierced yesterday (friday). For the record, it truly does not hurt. There is some soreness afterwards, but it’s really not too bad. Just stay away from eating fudge… haha… that hurt pretty bad 😉 Maybe there will be a new picture so you can see it shortly after I post this, maybe not. Depends on if I decide to take the time to hook up my pc camera. But it has not swollen up, and has affected my speech minimally. Like I notice sometimes it messes me up a bit, but.. not really. And today eating was already a lot easier then yesterday… and I have yet to bite down on it really… so that’s good 😉
School starts in just a few more weeks. I’m kinda happy about it. I checked my schedule today, cuz I had forgotten most of it… it all looks pretty good. Mostly classes I will enjoy. Tae Kwon Do is definately the best class on there though… heh 😉 16.5 credits… not bad.. not bad.
I need to decide on a song to sing on Tuesday, as Chris asked me to do another song…. If anyone has any ideas, I am open to suggestions. Just for me to actually be able to do it it has to be a pretty simple song. Oh, and if anyone knows any good tab sites, that would help too. The only one I can use right now is www.ChristianGuitar.org… the other one I was using, www.delicatefade.com, now charges you money to access it… which is pretty annoying.
Anyway, now that Xanga is back up, I will try and catch back up with everyone, as I was behind when it went down 😉