“”Left Behind: Eternal Forces” is a real-time strategy game
set in New York during the End of Days, which will allow gamers
to choose between the angelic Tribulation Forces and the
demonic Global Community Peacekeepers in a multiplayer online
mode. The game is set to ship before Easter.”

hahaha 🙂

Christians are dumb.



Most of the time

More Christian gaming brilliance

I have a new favorite FireFox extension.

It is called Flashblock.

You know those annoying pop-ups that your pop-up blocker can’t block?

Yeah, they use flash.  Flashblocker makes it so you need to click
on any flash applet in order for it to start, which blocks that, as
well as those annoying flash ads at the top of websites, like, for
instance, Xanga. 😉

Yeah I don’t have anything better to post about.