The following is an excerpt from C.S. Lewis’ “The Weight of Glory”:

“If all the world were Christian, it might not matter at all if the world were uneducated.  But, as it is, a cultural life will exist outside the Church whether it exists inside or not.  To be ignorant and simple now — not to be able to meet the enemies on their own ground — would be to throw down our weapons , and to betray our uneducated brethren who have, under God, no defence but us against the intellectual attacks of the heathen.  Good philosophy must exist, if for no other reason, because bad philosophy needs to be answered.”

He goes on to make some more really good points, but I would end up quoting like the rest of the chapter if I went on any further… so.. yeah 🙂

Basically, I think Christians shouldn’t throw everything to “faith” like they do.  Certainly, some things simply cannot be explained, and faith certainly has it’s place, but God gave us more then faith, and we should make use of the intellectual faculties that he gave us.  Know what you believe and why you believe it.

I think a good challenge for everyone is this: When someone asks you “how do you know that God is real?”, you should be able to answer their question…. and you should be able to answer it without saying something stupid like “because the bible says so”.  If they don’t believe in God, they surely don’t believe that the Bible has any real credibility… so your saying that is completely useless.

Just a little something I was thinking about.

In completely unrelated news….  in accordance with myself being in a lot of pain…. first the massive bug bite, then great pain and soreness in my arms from the stupid weight room…. NOW… a large, puffy blister on the back of my ankle.  It was caused by part of my shoe getting bent over and rubbing it as I was running last night.  I was not pleased.

I saw Blindside’s music video for Pitiful.  It is cool, just as the song is.

So why don’t you DOWNLOAD it?

That is all.

“She said what I was supposed to think
Thank God for freedom
Thank God for liberation
(She said) Now we are allowed to think
Now we are allowed to feel lust without cute boring love

But don’t you ever just like me
Long for purity
Don’t you ever
Get sick of our territories

What are you so scared of sister
What made you so afraid to feel
To chose a stone cold liberation
The one thing I hate most about me
Is the one thing you want to make your trademark
To feel lust without cute boring love

But don’t you ever just like me
Long for purity
Don’t you ever
Get sick of our territories
Don’t you ever feel like glass
Fragile, hurting, letting it pass
Don’t you think it’s time to trespass

But when the fire is gone
Who are you?
What are you so scared of sister?
I’m just as scared as you”

-“Cute Boring Love,” by Blindside

4 thoughts on “”

  1. I get blisters all the time. Bandaid makes a blister-blocker that will help anyone who is blister-prone. I mean, I get them when I buy running shoes, flip flops, even slippers, so I am an authority! Give ’em a try if you are still in pain, they are worth the 4-5 bucks, trust me!!!
    Much love my dear, hopefully your body will be nicer to you this week!

  2. i totally agree with you and mr.lewis:)..i was gonna go on to say more, but you and he have already said it way better than i could. ha. i’ve never heard that song, but i’m gonna hafta dowload it cause the words are awesome. thanks. 🙂


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