All right, as to my last post, several people have asked what incited me to write it. There was no paticular event or anything that did, though I made references to a couple events. It is just after seeing so much of it for awhile I just had something to say about it, and so I did.

I also made another post yesterday, which was up for a few hours. It was seen and commented on by one person, I dunno if anyone else saw it or not. Anyway, I decided it had served it’s purpose at that point, and that it stood enough chance of upsetting some people that I should remove it. For anyone who saw it, my reply to the comment that asked what the point of it was, was this:

“the point was just to comment on it. you said a lot of things that i had something to say about, and i felt it was too big of a thing to just put in a comment thing underneath your post…. if you found it interesting, then the point was achieved. It was simply to impart my views on said topic. Oh, and the point of putting in your post in between what i was talking about… wasn’t so much to “review” your entry… it was just to make my comments on what you said easier to follow. otherwise it would have been just kind of a jumble of thoughts i think.”

That is mostly just for the person who asked, because otherwise she won’t be able to see my reply to her comment ;).

Several of you know of my interest in the West Memphis Three, which I learned of through Zao, but didn’t really get too interested in until one day when I got bored and went to For the past couple weeks I have been reading a book called Devil’s Knot, which is about the investigation and trials and so forth. It is a very interesting book, because of all the insight and stuff it gives you into the american court system. It really kind of pisses you off at it. For anyone who is unfamiliar with the case, I will give you a brief overview. You will probably VAGUELY remember it, at least, as I vaguely remember hearing about the crime.

“On the evening of May 5, 1993, in the small town of West Memphis, Arkansas, 3 8 year old boys disappeared. The next afternoon, the naked bodies of Stevie Branch, Christopher Byers, and Michael Moore were found submerged in a nearby stream. The boys had been bound from ankle to wrist with their own shoelaces and severely beaten. Christopher had been castrated.
The crime scene had yielded few clues, and despite Christopher’s castration, there was a remarkable absence of blood. The police were stymied, and citizens’ alarm mounted as weeks passed without an arrest. Finally, a month after the murders, detectives announced 3 arrests- and a startling theory of the crime: that the children had been killed by members of a satanic cult.”

That is from the inside cover of this book. Anyway, the 3 that were arrested were Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin, and Jessie Miskellie, jr.

Anyway, there is a lot of stuff in this book that has upset me that people would do (such as questioning Jessie, who is mildly retarded, without his parents or a lawyer present or giving him his rights, yelling at him to tell the truth, telling him that the polygraph machine is telling them that he is lying to them when there is no indication that he was (except on one question, which was if he had ever used drugs, and was in no way related to the crime), etc, etc, in order to produce a confession out of him, which was wildly inconsistent with the facts of the case…)

Anyway, the thing that I read yesterday that I really wanted to post about is this…. This is shortly after Jessie recieved a sentance of life + 40 years in prison:

“Outside the courthouse, Jessie’s lawyer stood talking to resporters on the building’s icy steps. “Mr. Misskelley made a decision last night that he is not going to testify against his codefendants,” Stidham announced. Reporters hollered questions. Had Jessie been offered a reduced sentence if he testified- one that would give him an opportunity for parole, as Damien’s lawyers claimed? Or had no such dealbeen offered, as Fogleman contended? Stidham decline to answer but did say tellingly, that the decision Jessie had reached the nbight before had been “the most difficult decision he will ever make.” Stidham said that as he spoke, Jessie was being driven back to the prison at Pine Bluff.
Years later, in an interview in the prison, Jessie described the pressure he’d been under. He said that when he was brought back to northeast Arkansas after his own conviction, he was told that if he did not testify against Damien and Jason, they would not be convicted, and that while he rotted in prison, they’d go after his girlfriend. “They told me that if I didn’t testify, Damien and Jason would walk free,” he recalled, “and they were going to go see Susie; they was going to get to her. That’s when they told me: talk or Damien and Jason are going to walk free and IU was going to be locked up.” Jessie credited his father and stepmother with helpiong him to understand the situation. They told him that if he lied at Damien and Jason’s trial, “That’s somthing I’d have to live with the rest of my life.” That, he said was when he decided not to testify. “This way, if I ever do get out, he explained, “my name will be clear, and IO can live pretty much a decent life.””

Hmmmm…. interesting thing to tell a mildly retarded person in order to get them to testify….

But it doesn’t stop there, because as several of the defence lawyers put it, the first of which was Jessie’s lawyer, as Jessie’s trial was seperate, and before Jason and Damien’s, the prosecution had developed “Damien Echols tunnel vision”. They were determined that he was to blame for the crimes, and wanted soley to convict him. And so a deal was offered to Jason…

“Instead of asking the jury to sentence Jason to death, they would seek a sentence of forty years-a term that would allow for his eventual parole-if he would plead guilty and testify against Damien. If Jason accepted the deal and exhibited good behavior in prison, he could expect to be out in 10-15 years…..
,,,”They (his lawyers) said, ‘j=Just say something. Save yourself,'” Jason recalled. “Ford was encouraging me to do it. But I was, like, ‘Nah. This isn’t right.’ I made the decision on my own, right then and there. It was a flat-out no. For said, ‘Well, I still had to ask.'”
Like much about Jason’s role in the trial, the drama played out quietly and was ultimately ignored. But the episode was revealing. It showed a lot about the prosecutors- and about the character of the 16 year old who, in turning them down, risked being put to death.””

To me, it seems like, if you honestly feel like 3 people are guilty of murder, you would not offer 2 of them the chance to be out on the street again in 15 years, for the sake of getting one of them the death penalty. And why so focused on Damien? Why not make the same offer to Damien so as to get Jason? I just think that it is wrong that Jason even had to hear that he had that option. That is not justice to me.

Anyway, just something to think about.

Free the WM3!


prelude to actual post…
I added a new pic today. Yes, I dyed my hair (a week ago now). Yes, it has a massively purple tint. No, it’s not supposed to ;). It was supposed to be black but the dye was very deceitful. It claimed to be “pitch black”, but was in fact “purplish black”. With every shower it becomes less black and more purple… oh well.

Tomorrow starts finals week, and then school is over. That makes me happy.

Actual post…

Before I really get into what I want to post about I feel I should just say… that there are some people who I am pretty sure read my site at least from time to time who may not like what i have to say or agree with me. That’s ok. I don’t really care if you agree with me or not. You are entitled to your opinion, but I have to say that I honestly feel you are in the wrong. I will try to keep all of this as anonymous as possible, but people who know what I am referring to will most likely figure it out. Consider yourself forewarned.

That said, there is a body of people… an organization, if you will, that has the ability to piss me off more then anything else that I know of. Any ideas on who this might be? That’s right…. the church.

Now I can hear your response already…. but truthfully, the church pisses me off, all the time. for lots of reasons. The first of which seems to be a running theme with many people whom I have talked to. That is the fact that the church for some reason feels the need to control people’s lives. Pastors, leaders, people who hold other church leadership positions…. listen to me very carefully: It is NOT up to you who I can or cannot talk to, hang out with, do on any particular day, etc. It is not up to you to decide that for ANYONE except for yourself, and, well, if you are a parent, then your children as well. If a girl and a guy want to hang out, then they can hang out. If they decide they want to date, then they can date. Regardless of what you think about it, it is not your decision. Do you have any right to talk to them about it? As a leader, you may counsel them as to what you think, but that is all. Once you have done so, that’s it. Leave it be. Don’t perpetually pester them. If a group of kids decides they don’t really feel like going to church some sunday night, and would rather hang out at a friends house, then guess what? That’s perfectly fine. People always say how the people feeling it is their responsibility to control people’s lives have good intentions. I don’t doubt that, I’m sure that their intentions are good, but that really doesn’t matter. Your intentions can be the best possible and you can do an incredible amount of harm to a person. The greatest harm can come from the best intentions. It is not a sin to not be in church every time there is a service there. It is great that there are several services a week for people to go to if they so desire, but that is not for everyone. Christians aren’t meant to spend every waking moment of their lives behind the doors of a church. So I think there is a key thing that the church needs to learn how to do (brace yourself) and that is: Stay the hell out of people’s personal lives. Unless there is a sin being committed, in which case it is your biblical responsibility to address it, just stay the hell out.

The church also needs to start learning how to follow the teachings of the bible it claims to believe. I bet some of you are still getting over that fact that I wrote “hell” twice in that last paragraph. You get stuck on that, and yet when it comes to much more important things, you fail to do as the bible says. To decieve someone into coming to a meeting under false pretenses is lying. Also, the bible teaches, and it is common decency and courtesy, that when you have a problem with someone you should go to that person first and work it out with them, prior to getting anyone else involved. There is no better way to drive a person away from the church then to tell everyone BUT them about all the things you see wrong with them. Yet I doubt using the words “piss”, “hell”, “damn”, “shit”, “ass”, or even “fuck” would drive anyone away from the church. About the only thing it would do is offend Christians and incite them to drive ME away from the church. I am not going to say it is ok to use those words, that is not my point. Hopefully you have seen the point I was trying to make.

That is all. Hopefully I didn’t piss anyone off too bad, but, if I did, oh well. That’s how I feel. I am still praying about how I should be involved in the church this summer. Whatever God wants to happen will happen, I am sure.

“This line is metaphysical
And on the one side, on the one side
The bad half live in wickedness
And on the other side, on the other side
The good half live in arrogance
And there’s a steep slope with a short rope
This line is metaphysical
And there is a steady flow moving to and fro

And oh look you earned your wings
Are you an angel now, or a vulture
Constantly hovering over
Waiting for a big mistake
Oh my God, what have I done?
Oh my God, what have I done?
Oh my God, what have I done?

Wouldn’t you love to be?
On the cover of a magazine
Healthy skin, perfect teeth
Design to hide what lies beneath

I feel the darkness growing stronger
As you cram light down my throat
How does that work out for you
In your holy quest to be above reproach?

Wouldn’t you love to be
On a cover of a magazine?
Healthy skin, perfect teeth
Design to hide what lies beneath, what lies beneath.”

-“Magazine,” by Pedro the Lion

Seeing as I have no classes tomorrow… i am now done all my classes, with the exception of finals.

I am in the mood to write, but not on Xanga, I just realized.. 😉 maybe tomorrow I will post something that I write elsewhere for now.

Only 2 comments?

That’s ok, I know large posts can be intimidating. And it was probably pretty boring anyway.

I just got out of my final Life of Christ class. While I will NOT miss waking up at 7:30 to go to it… It was a cool class. And Dr. Neuman is awesome. A shame I won’t have him for any classes next semester. All the popular theology that I have always found to be kind of stupid and cheesy and having little to no support…. he has confirmed as such. And he gave us 3 times as many skips as we’re supposed to be allowed 😉 which was helpful since I frequently forget to wake up that early (such as today…. I was a half hour late to class ;))…

Last night I ate at Beef O’ Brady’s for the first time ever. Our waittress laughed at me a lot. Note the “at me”, not “with me”. I don’t know why. And when she brought out our drinks, I was just messing with the little cardboard coaster thingee…. because I was bored and i always mess with stuff like that… anyway… she just stood there with the drink and looked at me and then i realized she wanted me to put the coaster down, and then i did, and she put the drink on it. That was weird. I have never been anywhere where they refused to put the drink down anywhere other then on the coaster… lol 🙂 And then she stole my plate before I was done my hamburger, and then realized I still had it, and then asked if I wanted the plate back… it was an interesting experience. Oh, the wings there are pretty good… but I don’t think they were all they were hyped up to be 🙂 The hamburger I had was pretty darn good though. As good as a hamburger can be.

Having sold books back to the bookstore yesterday, yesterday also became a day of spending the money recieved from said books. I bought an x-box game, because it was only $20… BloodRayne. It’s interesting. I also got 2 cds…. Jars of Clay – Furthermore, which, strangely enough, is in fact worth it. I really like the live recording of Worlds Apart. The other cd I got was Chevelle, which I haven’t listened to much yet, but that’s ok. I will.

Yesterday I spent the majority of my day actually cleaning our room. 2 reasons, 1.) We have gotten disasters on room checks the past 2 weeks (i wasn’t even HERE last week, and had cleaned my stuff up before I left, so.. yeah), and we can’t get another one. 2.) It is getting to the end of the year. Today I am going to go and get my storage place. Tomorrow I am going to start moving stuff to it. why? because I don’t want to do it later ;).

Anyway, that’s it for now. Later.

All right, just as I did with the Brave Saint Saturn cd, I will now do with Five Iron Frenzy: Cheeses of Nazareth. Here is a track by track review of the album….

1. Kamikaze. – I skipped this song, not because I don’t like it, but because I have already heard it many, many times, as I purchased the Far, Far Away single that it was originally released on. It’s cool though.

“There comes a time for throwing caution to the wind / And so my life begins, I’m going in…”

2. Rhubarb Pie – The ORIGINAL version of Ugly Day. This one is better because it’s not about a girl. It’s about a pie. Pies are better then girls. Girls are stupid. Plus Dennis sings this one, and Dennis is a cool guy.

“Twinkies may be better / Then a hole in the sweater / and a hole in the sweater / beats a poke in the eye…”

3. Marty – Another song that I have already heard many times, because it was on the Brad is Dead vinyl. It is also an awesome song. So awesome, I didn’t even skip it. I don’t think they ever should have cut it from Our Newest…

“You’d do almost anything / Someone told you not to do / Just because someone else / Told you it was cool / Remember long ago / Someone said to get a life / Did you ever think they might be right?”

4. Fistful of Sand (live) – This is a really crappy live recording of Fistful of Sand before the lyrics were finished. It features Reese singing “Feels like nothing, kills like something” a lot. And mumbling a lot… something that sounds like “ling-baling-baling-baling”…. It is stupid, and a perfect example of why Roper’s description of this album as “a smorgasboard of lameness” is completely accurate.

“Feels like nothing, kills like something / ling-baling-baling-baling…”

5. Four Kids in Memphis – This song is I Still Like Larry with different lyrics. It is about Four Kids in Memphis. And a hot dog.

“Four kids in Memphis should pay me 5 dollars / I wrote this song and they said they would pay me / And I want to buy a hot dog.”

6. Mind For Treason – This is an awesome song. It is a song they originally recorded a very long time ago and never released. they re-recorded it. Andy does the vocals. He is awesome. They should kick Reese out of the band and let Andy do all the vocals. I want more hardcore five iron.

“You tell me my God is dead / you hate a book you’ve never read / Telling me I’m pushing you / Who’s world is this? / Who pushes who?”

7. Cool Enough For you – This is a crappy version of the same song that was on Upbeats… They forgot to include a verse. And it is played at a slower pace…

“that smug look on your face / your nose up in the air / the patches on your coat / and still you couldn’t bear…”

8. Third World Think Tank – This is also a crappy version of the same song on upbeats. It is also slower. Instead of forgetting lyrics in this one, there is an additional line. It is a good line. They should have kept it in the upbeats one…

“Now you’ve got your just reward / All the junk your arms could hoarde”

9. Old West – Again, crappy version of Upbeats song. Again, slower. It has a cool sounding part near the end though that is different from Upbeats.

“If people don’t believe me / I’ll just beat them / And yell louder.”

10. Burn – This is a cool song. I had heard it before, in mp3 form.. It was very hard to listen to because it was such a bad recording. Their remixing of it helped it out a lot… while lyrics could be improved, and some other stuff could be improved… it is the basis of a good song, and therefore I like it… even if Reese says it “suffers from suction.”

“Burn. Burn. Burn. / Within us, Within us. / Spirit of truth, my eyes decieve me / Teach me how to see / Ears cannot hear, my mouth is too dry to speak. / You have searched me, you, you know me, / There is nothing good inside me / Purge me make me clean / My heart needs courage, so burn inside of me.”

11. Left – Bad production quality, like Burn… some awkward sounding lyrics… but a very cool sounding song. And mostly good lyrics. I like. Old five iron is good… 🙂

“P.C.P. spells gun to the head / half a syringe or a barrel full of lead / grasping at straws and coming up empty / carving with his life this somber song of hope: / “kill me.””

12. Never Ask Us To Play This – Apparently if you ask them to play this Reese will kill you dead.

“If you could ever find it in your heart / If you could ever think to find some sympathy / Never ask us to play this song / Or a song about our pants, or a kittie-doggie / Never ask us to play Godzilla or Shut Up / Or a song we haven’t written yet about that time we did some stuff.”

13. Dog Food – This is a song about Dog Food. It is wonderful and good. mmmmm… Alpo. Dog food is also better then girls.

“Dog Food! / A whole meal for a nickel / Dog food! / On some bread with a pickel…”

14. When I See Her Face – This is a song about how much girls suck. Heh… maybe not really. It is a very random song. Therefore, I like it..

“I feel pretty good today / This time I can feel it / This time when I see her face/ The words will come out right / I comb my hair and put on my favorite shirt / I take one last deep breath, then I go outside…”

15. Abraham Lincoln Beard (1st movement) – I just don’t understand…. It amuses me though 😉

“Wilford Brimley Sandwhich / Snowmobile of Franklin / Ninja Force 5000 / Abraham Lincoln Beard.”

16. Praise the Lord – Almost as good as the Daniellson Familie. Micah and/or Sonnie totally sound like a girl(s).

“Praise the Lord / Everybody Praise / Ahhhh.. / People of earth, praise the Lord.”

17. Give Me Back My Sandwhich – This song is about sandwhiches and the people who steal them and why they steal them and how it isn’t nice to steal peoples sandwhiches.

“Give me back my sandwhich.”

18. Omnivores For Mediocrity – I think this song is awesome because it is about vegatarianism and veganism. I make fun of vegans because they kill defenseless plants and eat them. Jerks.

“Keith is a vegatarian / Not vegan ’cause he drinks his dairy and / He’s not like me who also eats meat / He protests the war with the sandals on his feet / Omnivore for mediocrity! / Helpless vegatables are trapped / for killing only them you should be slapped / At least a cow can run and be free / Omnivores for mediocrity!”

19. That Tastes Horrible – This song is only funny because Andy screams “AHHHH! my face!” Andy is the awesomest.

“That tastes horrible! (Ahhh, my face!)”

20. No Grandma = Know Grandma – I swear they don’t say anything that sounds remotely like what they claim the lyrics are.

“No Grandma! Know Grandma! Gnome Grandma, ahhhhhhhhhh!”

21. Stinky Hippy – This song is great because it is about a stinky hippy. I thought it was funny, anyway.

“Get patchouli / Get the dreadlock / Get the sandal / Stinky hippy today / Stinky hippy, stinky hippy / Perspiration.”

22. Abraham Lincoln Beard (2nd movement) – I still don’t get it.

“Salivating often / Digesting all the oatmeal / Falling off of a log / Abraham Lincoln Beard”

23. It’s so hot, I’m gonna have a heat stroke – I like this song just because it sounds cool. It’s about being hot and having heat strokes.

“Za pie da ta peepeetepatee / shampoo in my head! / It’s so hot I’m gonna have a heat strokahhh!”

24. Thea and the Singing Telegram – They call Thea and sing some odd things… I don’t remember what any of them are… so… yeah.

25. How’s About Some Milk – How’s about some milk? I thihnk this is an anti-vegan song.

“How’s about some milk?
How’s about some milk?
How’s about some dairy products today?”

26. Donkey Basketball – You can imagine…

“Donkey basketball! It is the best of all!”

27. Screams in the Night – For some reason, this song reminds me of Sqaud 5-0. I don’t know why.

“Screams in the night, screams in the night, screams in the night / come on and scream out into the night / I saw you in your backyard / You were watering the dirt / You began to scream and shout / And shake the entire earth / So I came over to help you / But alas, you were gone / I felt so sad inside / That I wrote this awesome song.”

28. Pootermobile – I’m told this is self-explanatory, but I don’t know how.


29. Abraham Lincoln Beard (3rd movement) – This continues to make no sense to me.

“Waffle of the ancients / Way too much of bobby / Laying in the gutter / Abraham Lincoln beard.”

30. Mayonaise Taco Monday – A mexican sounding song about mayonaise on tacos. mmmm…

“Mayonaise Taco monday, it smells like underwear / Mayonaise taco… and something over there! / Mayonaise taco monday / I put it on the dog / Mayonnaise Taco monday / It tastes kind of like log.”

31. Chew Water – This is a true story about howReese drank out of his cousin Cletus’ spittoon and got cancer of the esophogus and died. It is sad.

“My trouble is worse then my face being eaten off by boils / It’s so bad I can’t even start to tell you / my troubles / it’s not about a dog / or women / nothin'”

32. Metal rules – This is a song about how much metal rules.

“Deeply poetic lyrics about metal, ruling, and the ruling of said metal.”

33. Five Iron is Stupid – They should have written this song a long time ago and stopped making albums like they’re about to now.

“Five Iron is stupid, and you are if you like them also.”

34. Hidden Track – They scream rock and roll and other random stuff a lot. it’s pretty amazing.

So all in all, this is the worst cd ever. But it is entertaining. Bye.

got the new five iron cd… expect to hear more about it after i have spent some time listening to it… for now….. a song… 😉

“When I was young,
In the good old days on the farm,
All I ate was dog food.
All the poor dogs whimper
and they would yelp as I smiled and chewed.

Dog food!
A whole meal for a nickel
Dog food!
On some bread with a pickel
Dog food!
Guarenteed to drive your hunger away.
Dog food!
Keeps a horse employed.
Dog food!
Good for girls and boys.
Dog food!
Most kids like it more than broccoli…

Nasty food I must plug my nose to swallow
Because my mom’s on probation
Eggplant, brussel sprouts go down and come out
Nothing goes down smooth like Ken-L-Ration

Horse meat!

-“Dog Food,” by Five Iron Frenzy

ok, well, i’ve been home for a bit of awhile now, and in fact go back to school tomorrow night. i do not look forward to that. but that’s ok. school will be over with in 2 weeks. praise God. anyway… I don’t know that I really have anything else to say. I guess I just wanted to update since I hadn’t since I have been home. 🙂

Have a great day.

[Edit: I just listened to some clips from the new Five Iron Frenzy cd: Cheeses of Nazareth. I have to say… that this will be… without a doubt…. the WORST cd EVER recorded in all of history….. and I can’t wait to own it 😉

Seriously… this stuff is like… as terrible as it gets….]

i am waking up early to fly home tomorrow. so i am going to bed now… although i had wanted top mnake a post cuz it’s been like a week now. oh well. this will have to suffice. So if you are back home… see you tomorrow… if you are here at school… be back sunday night… if you are someone else… well… whatever applies to you.. 😉


So I went to McDonalds earlier tonight. We were going through the drive-thru… and our total came to $14.17. We gave them $16.20, not really paying attention to it.. just because we all chipped in portions of it. Anyway, we pulled up to the next window before we realized we should have gotten $2 back, in addition to the 3 cents we were given. We told them so. They did not believe us. Apparently we are desperately hard up for money, and decided we wanted $2 so badly that we would make up a story about how they owed us $2. They were quite positive that we gave them $14.20. They were quite wrong. Now, advice for all you mcdonalds workers out there: You work at McDonalds. You are in no position to think you are capable of intelligent thought. If someone tells you that you didn’t give them the right amount of change, they are probably right. So give it to them. Then someone like me won’t have to tell you “what are you, stupid? give me my money, stupid.” I want my 2 dollars back. But it was not worth their offer to have the manager count the money in the drawer. That’s just crap. If it were me, and someone told me that i owed them 2 dollars in that situation… I would give it to them, no questions asked. Because… it’s $2. It’s not a lot of money there. I only care now because of the principle of the matter.

So the moral of the story is… if you work at mcdonalds, don’t be stupid and piss me off.

Thank you, good night.

I am strangely tired at the moment… I wouldn’t think I would be, cuz I took a 3 and a half hour nap earlier…. an hour and a half longer then I intended… stupid alarm.. 😉 but ummm… yeah. It was good. And I had some really weird dreams both last night and then. But what those were is not really important. 🙂

Anyway, I went and played guitar over by the chapel again tonight. It was cool, except for the mosquitos. Mosquitos are a tool of satan. I don’t like them.

Also, apparently around 10-10:30 pm is “let’s go make out between the chapel and cafeteria” time on Southeastern campus. I noted this because of multiple couples I saw.

Yesterday I was at the Christian bookstore, and I noted a couple new versions of the bible you can buy. They’re really kind of cool. The first one is the “spirit filled bible”… which, apparently, contains the holy spirit. The Holy Spirit has been trapped and contained inside of this bible for commercial purposes. The second one is what I have dubbed the “bible-in-a-box”… You see this wooden box with a knob on it…. you pull the knob to open the front panel of the box… inside, what do you find but…. a velvet pouch? And THEN, you open the pouch to find yourself a bible. Apparently you should keep your bible in a box as symbolism of keeping God in a box. It is easier to deal with that way. Plus, it’s so much work to actually GET to your bible, that you’ll probably never even read it anyway. You’ll just look at your little wooden box.

I’m sure there are more fun new bibles… but i didn’t have time to look at them yesterday. Maybe next time.