So I have this great idea for a poem or writing of some kind. At first I thought a poem would be cool.. but then I was like.. I could do a lot better if I didn’t worry about that at all and just wrote like a paragraph. Anyway, I was going to write it tonight and put it up here, but then it ended up being 2:30 by the time I was done writing my Radio Production paper, for my Radio class which is at 8 in fact… 😉 yeah for less then 5 hours of sleep ;). So I do not have time to sit and think about something like that to write it. However, I *CAN* tell you that it is called “The Hero” and that I think it is a really neat idea, though I will probably butcher the idea and it will probably not even be worth reading. Oh well. I’m going to make the attempt anyway ;).
I have determined that I really need to learn how to make myself tell girls “no”. Stupid girls asked me to play volleyball today, and I agreed to.. and then I was reminded of why I never play 😉 My God do I suck horribly ;). Then I tripped on the stupid line that marks the out of bounds and looked like a retard (in addition to being a retard). Were it guys that had asked me, I most definately would have said “maybe some other time,” but no, they had to be female, didn’t they? One of these days I will be able to resist the fairer gender. I think. Probably not. I am weak and have no will of my own when it comes to that.
Why is it that so many people I know read this and never comment on it? It’s amazing… I am constantly finding out people read this that I had no idea did… and a lot of them I really wouldn’t have even thought that they would KNOW about this site. It makes me wonder what some of them have seen, because there’s been a time or two I’ve posted some not too pleasant stuff, only to remove it a few hours or a day later… heh.. oh well :). In any case, if you read this, comment you lazy bum! I am not here to merely entertain you, but to be entertained! Are you not entertained? Well, I challenge you to a duel! I demand satisfaction (name that show/character and you will recieve 1 imaginary canadian dollar.. I can’t afford the imaginary U.S. ones..).
At any rate, the time for sleeping is upon me. I wish you all a wonderful day.
“This is where the water becomes shallow
And nothing here is quite as deep
As you hoped it would be
You wish the lines were drawn a little clearer
The tides have turned
This drought will burn
And everything is falling out of place
And drying in the sun
Shriveling and shrinking
The hides are turning brown
Wrinkling and stinging
As you bury yourself
Deep in the dust
Of the sandiest grave you can find
It’s a new desert life
To be reborn again
Out of glass and of sand
And you’re glimmering and you are clear
This is where
The water is shallow and nothing is as deep
As you hoped it would be
And this drought will burn
And everything’s falling, everything’s falling
And everything’s falling
Out of place . . .
And you’re glimmering and you are clear…”
-“A New Desert Life,” by Further Seems Forever
its Homer Simpson!!!! from The Simpsons! ok so thats one fake canadian and one real US dollar you owe me! anyways you never comment on my site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i read
i think
i am entertained
Ahhh canada. America Junior.