gah… I hate 8 a.m. classes… they are so….. annoying 🙂  I
just hate waking up to the sound of my alarm clock, I guess.  I
wanted to hurt someone when I woke up today.  Real bad.

At any rate, now that I am awake I have decided to remain that way and
spend a little bit of time updating this and writing e-mails and such,
rather then going back to my room to sleep….  which now that I
am writing about it sounds like a better option… 😛

My finger had been being dumb ever since like…  Friday night..
or saturday morning… or something… it is weird.  I didn’t do
anything to it, but it hurts to bend it, and it’ll like…  kinda
jump when i bend and straighten it… and like i can feel the tendon or
whatever get tight or something i guess….  it annoying. 
especially since it has no reason to be that way.  But I figure,
it injured itself, it can heal itself… so.. yeah.

“I was thinking it’s a sign that the freckles

in our eyes are mirror images and when

we kiss they’re perfectly aligned

and I have to speculate that god himself

did make us into corresponding shapes like

puzzle pieces from the clay

and true, it may seem like a stretch, but

its thoughts like this that catch my troubled

head when you’re away when I am missing

you to death

when you are out there on the road for

several weeks of shows and when you scan

the radio, I hope this song will guide you


they will see us waving from such great

heights, “come down now,” they’ll say

but everything looks perfect from far away,

“come down now,” but we’ll stay…

I tried my best to leave this all on your

machine but the persistant beat it sounded

thin upon listening

and that frankly will not fly. you will hear

the shrillest highs and lowest lows with

the windows down when this is guiding

you home”

-“Such Great Heights,” by The Postal Service

You all were doing good for awhile.  What happened to the
love?    But I do appreciate those of you who have kept
it up 😉

I am very excited about not working tomorrow, 3 days in a row is quite
enough, thank you.  Saturday will suck though…. all stinking
day, I will be there. Once I get paid I will be happy though. 
I’ve got some things that need buying.  Or want buying, anyway.

I was given a free copy of iWork today.  I haven’t used it,
because i didn’t have time before work, and then i left the box out in
my car, and for some reason, even though I already put in the stupid
serial #, it asked for it again… so.. yeah.  I didn’t feel like
going out to my car to get it.  I think it should be cool
though.  Maybe I will get rid of Office on this computer, since
iWork does everything that I use Office for….

Anyway, that’s all I really have to say.


So this is pretty funny…..  I saw it a couple days ago but never
got around to posting a link until now.  Maybe this explains a
little bit why Microsoft is the way it is…..

check it out.

 and this explains a little more….

ahhh… 3 hours to class…..

So yeah….  some interesting commentary in that there last
post.  I can’t say I know what it’s about, but hey…. 
whatever 😉  I think more girls should feel that way.

I don’t really have much to say, to be quite honest… I have to wake
up early tomorrow and I am kind of tired, so I guess maybe I’ll write
another post tomorrow…

It is WAY too freaking cold outside.

I am NOT pleased.

I also woke up more tired then I ever thought possible, my insanely
annoying alarm didn’t phase me in the slightest… I rolled over and
almost fell back asleep with it still going off.

I think I might go back and sleep after this class.  I have 3
hours in between, and I can’t think of anything I would rather do with
those 3 hours.

I guess staying up till 2:30 playing Dead or Alive and watching Family Guy wasn’t such a good idea after all.

Who would have thought?

So I have decided that Lost is a really good show.  I started
downloading the episodes last weekend… am now caught up, except for
the most recent one….  I like it.

So last night was the first time (and hopefully the last time) I have
ever fallen asleep talking to someone online.  I was laying here
on this futon…. really tired… typing away on my lappy…  and
well… she would type something… then i would type something… then
i would lay my head down on my arm and wait for the little ichat sound
telling me she sent a message… then i would type a reply… and so
on… until eventually…  i realized it was 4 hours later and i
had never said bye or anything 😉

Anyway yeah, don’t reccomend it…  it’s not comfortable sleeping with no pillow beside a laptop 😉

I need to finish reading these books… I’m like partway through like 4
books… I need to finish them before I start anything
else.   Talked myself out of buying like 4 books that I
wanted tonight, because I don’t need to add anything else to the

And… I need to start working on my screenplay again.  It is time.

So this is pretty awesome… let’s keep it up, girls 😉

some random dumb things that have happened:

1. last night we were at mcdonalds….  in the
drive-thru….  we were behind the car that was at the pickup
window, when the car behind us bumped into us.  how do you bump
into someone in a drive-thru?  you’re going like 2 miles an hour
and only move when you see the car in front of you move.

2. I was putting my hoodie on a bit ago, and there is this fan in this
room….  as my arm was going in the sleeve i was sticking it up
in the air, causing my hand/arm to occupy the same space at the fan,
thereby causing it to inflict pummelling upon it.

there are probably other things, but I am too lazy to think about them.

on another note, i think it best to put an end to this “jason doesn’t
work” myth once and for all.  There was burger king.  There
was Toys R Us.  There was the school cafeteria.  There was
Lightstorm (just because I didn’t get paid doesn’t make it not
work.)  Now there is Schoop’s.  So really, this is nothing
new.  No doubt I have been employed to a lesser extent then many
other people, but this means little.

well, i am going to go now, because i need to drive back to my
apartment so that i can sleep, and wake up for my 8 o clock class

ok… well ummm… bye 🙂

Yeah, so as elliot pointed out, it seems the female gender unanimously
decided to comment on my last post.  it’s almost enough to make
somebody think that girls like me or something.  almost.  i
think you should keep that up.  it will make people think that i’m
cool… because girls like me… even though i’m not… and they don’t.

so i am excited because I *DON’T* have to work tonight…. 
yesterday went well though, I actually got pretty good at the burger
thing yesterday.  Only screwed up one, and it was my first. 
So yeah, I won’t have to work again till Monday, at which point I will
actually be on the schedule, and will have to work more then I did this
week.. but yeah… that’s good.. because I want money… and it’s
really not too bad.  Except the grease popping on my hand
constantly.  That part is bad.  But thus far I have avoided
it popping into my eye… that part is good.

So now I await my journalism class…..  and then I will just be
able to spend tonight doing nothing of value… which is always
enjoyable…. 🙂  Maybe I’ll go to a movie….

Anyway, have a great day… 😉