Merry Christmas

Yeah, that’s right, I said it… Christmas.  Not happy holidays or any of this other crap.  And I don’t care if you don’t celebrate Christmas.  I do, so I am going to say Merry Christmas to you.  If that offends you then you’re an idiot.  And I hope that my calling you an idiot offends you, because it’s supposed to.  I hope that maybe if you realize how much of an idiot you are you may someday change your ways.

If you are Jewish, you can tell me Happy Chanukuh.  I promise, I won’t get offended, because I am not an idiot.  I will just say “Happy Chanukah to you too.”  Because even though I don’t celebrate Chanukah, I would very much like to be happy during the time in which Chanukah is being celebrated, and I certainly hope that you will be happy during it too.

This all also goes for any other Holiday you can think of, whether I celebrate it or not.. I just can’t really think of any others.  But uhh.. New Years, Festivus….  to reference a Dane Cook joke, “Nothing Happens When You Die” day….

That’s pretty much it for now then.

So Merry Christmas.  And if you don’t like it, tough.


Well, those of you not in this immediate area I suppose are probably still unaware…  so I figured I would post on here that as of yesterday around 4:30 PM EST I am engaged to be wed to the lovely Holly Amber Smith.  She was very shocked and very happy about it (shocked due to my having made her think that such a thing would be quite a ways off.)  Due to it not having been very long since we became engaged, we do not have a date set yet, so, don’t bother asking (at least not for a week or so).  But I imagine it will happen in about the 9 months area… maybe a little less, maybe a little more (but certainly no more than a year).

So I am very happy, and she is very happy, and she has a beautiful new ring to wear on her finger, which I think the ring is perfect, and… she at least tells me it’s perfect 😉  I think she is going to put a pic of it on her myspace or something sometime… yep.

Anyway, that’s all for now. 😉