Ok, now on to part 2 of things that I don’t like about common Christianity ;).  Or at least, what seems to be prevalent in the A/G.

I have had nice long discussions about this with other people about this one with many people…  one of which happened to be during church, after my short attention span had lost interest…  Anyway, we were then yelled at and forced to stop talking 😉  No, I do not encourage not paying attention in church, however, when you rarely get to talk to a person you can make exceptions to such rules… or at least that’s what I keep telling myself.  Anyway, on to the point.

The point is this: Often-times the church picks things which are very fictional and mysterious and creative and labels them as “evil”.  Now before I go anywhere with this, yes, I know that their intentions are good, but I think in actuality intentions don’t really mean much of anything.  The greatest harm can come from the best intentions.

The things I speak in reference to are of course things such as “Harry Potter”… and before that it was “Pokemon”… and before that it was… I dunno… some other thing.  My question is this… has anyone who is adamantly against these things ever actually read/watched these things and NOT read a whole bunch of predetermined stuff into it?  I have never read Harry Potter, but I have seen the movie.  There is NOTHING in it that I consider bad.  The only concern that anyone MIGHT have is that it will put an interest in magic in little kids.  So what?  Any half-decent Christian parent should explain that to their kids.  The magic of Harry Potter is a very fictional magic, and all you have to tell kids is “it’s not real”.  Pokemon I have seen several times, and I will never understand why anyone things it is evil.  It is an incredibly stupid and boring show, yes.  But it is not evil in even the slightest way.  I think Christians need to STOP looking for things to cast judgement on and condemn as evil.  There’s this saying.. that’s kind of cliche.  “Pick your battles”.  For anyone who may not be familiar with it… although I think probably everyone is…  it means you need to pick the things that are REALLY and TRULY important, and fight for them, rather then all the little things that don’t really matter in the end.  The fact of the matter is, I *KNOW* for a fact that such things are hurting ministry, because of some of the comments that my sister has made.  People just think that the church is stupid, judgemental, etc, when it condemns things such as Harry Potter.

I just wish that people would be less uptight about things.  Just because things aren’t biblical truth that doesn’t make them satanic and evil.  It’s called FICTION because it’s NOT TRUE.

-End rant

On a completely unrelated topic, I have moved my writings site to http://reese.misthios.net/, and I have even updated the main page there with a little bit of what I have been thinking… feel free to stop by it.

Anyway, it’s late.

Be blessed.

5 thoughts on “”

  1. well i hate to tell you this but Pokemon IS EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!  It makes parents want to commit suicide when they have to sit there and watch it with there kids!!!!!!!!

  2. Ummmm… YEY! I hate how some Christan groups go around telling people that this book is evil and that this movie is evil and these card games *gasp* are evil…… I could go more indepth… but I’m on drugs and in pain. So… Night. 🙂

  3. Well i tried to post this once but failed (i know i am retard) so i will shorten it up this time. Umm.. pokemon not evil buy gay and rather un-intresting. Harry Potter… Fictional (that means not real) however i do belive that the movie can make kids curiose about real magic and that can be a bad thing. there it is nice short and sweet.

  4. I think the biggest problem with Harry Potter isn’t its fiction, but its proximity to reality. The fact that it takes place on earth, and to a ‘realistic’ kid, who has a real family, and then is caught up in magic ( witchcraft, whatever you want to call it  ) concerns me a bit with kids; simply because it’s thus easier for kids to confuse it with reality, and may make that kid wish to pursue a lifestyle based around that. Kids have obsessions…this is a given. When I was a kid, I loved dinosaurs, transformers, ninja turtles, and such. But you see, there are no dinosaurs…so the worst that could happen is me becoming an archeologist. There are no ninja turtles, so the worst that could happen is me learning ninja, or becoming a biologist or something. And there are no transformers, so the worst that could happen is…um…me becoming a geek. But witchcraft IS a reality, and if its portrayed in such a way that its glorified…and in such a way that kids may think its actually tangible ( which unfortunately it is ), then an issue may arise that that kid may start walking down that path. We all know in our Christian walks that its much easier to recognize those big sins, and how NOT to do them, then it is with little, more settle sins. Rat poison is 99.999% REAL food, and only like .001% poison. Its the subtle falsehoods in life that’ll get you.
    But I do see your point about the church globally condemning things. I’m reminded of Romans 14, when it talks about people who have faith to eat all things, but others who have faith to eat only vegetables. I think its really hard to decide what of the world is sin to one, and what of the world is sin to all. I’m just glad I’m not the one that has to try and make those decisions for everyone.

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