Wow… didn’t think that that would take so long 🙂
Just got done fixing Karen’s computer. Took about 2 hours. That’s ok… I think I can take 2 hours being the only guy in the girl’s dorms… muahaha. 😉 lol. Anyway, I got most of it working, but I couldn’t find the stupid video drivers… so she is stuck with 16 colors… Oh well. It could be worse, right? she could have 8. Or greyscale…. *shrugs*… and to think… over the summer I may have a job doing stuff like that… wow… getting PAID to do it… that would be something. Hopefully that will happen. Would be better thenother jobs I’m sure.
Anyway, on the way back some fellow students informed me of how it was forbidden for me to have been in the girls’ dorm. To my reply that I had been helping her with her computer, they replied “oh, so THAT’S what they’re calling it now?”, to which I replied, “yes, that is what we are calling it now.” At this point we weren’t really sure if we were talking about computers or sex, so we all just sort of stood there and looked at each other for awhile. They were then savagely attacked by squirrels. It was tragic.
Everything in the previous paragraph is true, except the parts that are obviously lies.
So anyway, there is only one real chapel left…. and then we get to experience one more…… it is the chapel I affectionately refer to as “the chapel from hell.” Ok, so maybe that is not affectionately. It is the chapel during which they give out academic awards to those that are graduating and such. I am not graduating. I am not getting awards. Why do I want to be there? I’ll tell you why. If I don’t go they will make me pay $20. Speaking of which, I need to go pay my one chapel fine which I have incurred tomorrow. I will be overjoyed to be freed from chapel. I wouldn’t mind it… they’re cool services and all.. it’s just… geez… I could sleep until NOON tomorrow if it wasn’t for chapel… because of it, I have to wake up at 9:30 (if not sooner). And can you believe that NEXT SEMESTER, they will be moving chapel to NINE instead of TEN? They are making it earlier, to make it even more hellish. I am not happy about that. But I will worry about that next year. Maybe over the summer God will unheathenize me and make me like chapel next year. Probably not, but hey.
Anyway, things continue to not all work for the best, but I think they’ll turn out ok.. hopefully….
Until next time… keep watching out for them squirrels….