Well, I certainly am tired…. I will be going to sleep shortly.  Tomorrow is monday, so that means I must wake up and stuff.  Blah.  That’s no fun.  Oh well.

I missed practice for our short play thing tonight….  which sucks.  I was sitting here doing stuff, and totally forgot about it.  I looked at the clock and realized I was an hour late, so I ran over to where we were supposed to meet, but no one was there…. so I dunno what happened… I feel pretty bad about it though, cuz we really need to go over it.  Nothing I can really do about it though, unfortunately.

Heard from Karissa earlier today… apparently she shall be attending school here at squirrel-infested southeastern next year.  That of course assumes she is accepted, but I don’t think she has to fear anything there.  Like Southeastern would turn someone away 😛  Anyway, that will be fun I am sure.  Will probably seem weird for a bit too… going from not seeing her at all like for a really long time to living at the same school.  But, yeah.

Anyway, I also have determined that people take things way too seriously and are way too uptight about stuff.  Especially Christians when it comes to God and stuff.  I mean really, don’t you think God would have a sense of humor?  I mean, he’s God.  I don’t think he suffers from any kind of insecurity.  So why should my saying something like “ha!  God, who does he think he is anyway… some kind of God or something?” offend him?  Such things, when said sarcastically, actually concede that the opposite of that which is said is true.  So that statement would be fully recognizing the “Godness” of God.  You see?  I don’t know.  People are dumb.  Their loss.  They shall simply have to be offended by me 😉  And I will laugh at them.  Ok, maybe I won’t, but still… I might.

Anyway, many blessings upon everyone who reads this post, comments, and gives me eprops…..  and many curses upon all who read this and do not comment and give me eprops…. to the latter I say, may God smite thee and your mothers.

That is all.

2 thoughts on “”

  1. you tiny brained wipers of other people’s bottoms… I fart in yer general direction!  now will you go away or shall i have to taunt you a second time?

  2. here are your props so i do not get smitten. and i accept thy blessing, oh wondrous jason.

    I agree with you… people are dumb.  I would have laughed about the God thing… it is SO obvious you were joking.  Vicki and I say similar things and joke about how “God’s the God” (instead of ‘the man’) and have fun with it. (what a concept-christians having fun!)

    Maybe Karissa can protect you from those squirrels. But not the yellow penguins that try to eat Jason Brown. She did say she’s been working out. 😉

    Can’t wait to see you when you come home!!

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