for those of you who care:

It is finished.  There is no turning back.  I am attending squirrel-infested Southeastern College again next year.  I just finished registering for next semesters classes….. and those classes are

Revelation: 11-11:50
College Algebra: 12-12:50
Western Civ: 1-1:50

Radio Production: 8-8:50
Acting I: 11:45-12:35
Intro to Sociology: 2:10-3:25

TBD (To be determined):
Theater Workshop
Radio Workshop

Fun times….. fun times.  Actually getting into some enjoyable classes this time around.

5 thoughts on “”

  1. gosh. you males get so technical.

    HEY. you arent being NICE to me *EFILGRIN* you HAFTOBE cause yah –

    *lilcough* *fallsoffherchairagain* *thistimejuststayssprawledoutonthefloor*

  2. how am I not being nice? 🙂  All I did was ask a question 🙂

    I think I am being perfectly nice, and I shall continue to be nice… because…  i want to. 😉  *helps you back into your chair again*… now go reply too my e-mail so when I return from class I will have something to read 🙂

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