Squirrel related deaths in Lakeland since last post: 16.7

I just got out of drama practice.  It was long.  It was painful at the end because we were all tired.  But it was fun.  I really like the play we are doing.  It is quite funny…  and I get to live something very wonderful through my character… however, I also got stuck with this whole “fairy” thing….  but I have been assured that my character is not, in fact, gay, so don’t worry.  However, considering the fact I have to do a Peter Pan pose, and Peter Pan was played by a girl… it’s still not looking good.  So yeah…  it is fun.  I’m glad the other people in it are good at feeling comfortable doing all the stuff, cuz if they weren’t, then I wouldn’t be.  And we don’t have very long to work on it… so.. yeah.  Anyway, I have determined again that I really do love doing drama….

All for now.


4 thoughts on “”

  1. Petah! oh Petah! *putsherhandstogetherandholdsthemoverherheart*

    Lemme know when you’re gunna be in a play that I can come check out

    that or you’re stuck doing the Peter Pan pose for me next time we hang out…and you’ll be forced to see the look on my face – so yah choose wisely my dear

  2. Well, you COULD come see this one… though I can’t say it would necessarily be worth it… it will be pretty short, and it takes you 2 hours to get here… so.. yeah.

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