Still 5 days to Cornerstone.

Nerf Crotchbats… more fun then regular crotchbats! haha… that was great… good old saturday night live.

So today looks like it will be a pretty exciting day. Elliot is supposed to come over sometime and help me set up the tent so we can put seam sealer on it. Cuz you know… sometimes it helps to not have your tent leak while at Cornerstone. For those of us who like to change clothes and not be wet while we’re there, anyway. I’d imagine it wouldn’t effect Nick much either way.

Anyway, then we might watch Zoolander… since he has somehow managed to have STILL not seen it.

So yeah, as you can see, it’s actually a pretty boring day, because those are my only plans until tonight. Oh well… what can ya do?

Feeling better then last night…. at least, during the times when I can get my mind off of it…

8 thoughts on “”

  1. Dude!
    I just saw Zoolander last night!
    I loved it!

    And yes! Sometimes I too feel like I’m taking crazy pills!

    m/ Mugatu RWAKS!!! m/

    Here’s a couple “Blue Steel” eProps

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