I’m pretty tired. Didn’t go to sleep until 6 a.m. and it is now only 10:40. For some reason people in this house have a need to be excessively loud and so… yeah. That makes it difficult.

Anyway, last night was pretty fun. I was pretty stinking hungry so I went to meet up with everyone who had been at the edge and we went to Burger King… and from there we went to Baker Park for awhile, and then walked around downtown. Then we decided to go to elliot’s house to make use of his trampoline… which is always fun. So as always, we jump around a bit… then eventually everyone just falls somewhere and lays and everyone sinks in towards the center and it becomes extremely comfortable. Last night more so then ever before. Then stupid Jason Brown had to ruin it… the jerk. But I guess that’s ok. Anyway, later on we came up on my roof and attempted to watch the sunrise, but it didn’t really work out, because there was a tree in the way.

and why is it that no one comments on any of my posts anymore? Even people who have been gone for awhile and have just returned (yeah, you know who you are, jerk.)

Ok, Well… firstly… Zao’s new album will be incredible. They better not break up like they’re supposed to… that would stink horribly. Anyway, I downloaded a song called Suspend Suspension… it’s a great song. Download it for yourself at Fineprintmag.com

Also Netscape 7 is pretty cool. Looks mostly like 6, but it can do tabbed windows now, which I kind of like. Also, it seems to be less of a resource hog then 6… which is very important for me, and for you others out there with dying computers.

and finally… I just sat and learned Hayabusa’s drill throw (that’s what I call it anyway ;))…. that is by far the coolest move in Dead or Alive 3. So yeah, I can do it now. It will soon be used in battle. I must be able to beat Jason Brown next time. His reign of terror must end.

well, Netscape has released a new version of their browser.  From reading about it, it sounds pretty cool.  They apparently have borrowed a lot of features from Opera (which, by the way, is the best browser out there right now… unless when I’m done downloading Netscape 7 it astounds me…).   But yeah, I’m downloading it now.  If I like it I’ll let you all know.

Today I will be going to Manpower’s job fair and hopefully getting a job for the summer.  I am in need of one, for 2 reasons.  1.) I need money for a new computer which I will be buying sometime before next year.  2.) I have been told by my dad that he will get cable internet when I get a job.  Good old incentives.  Cable internet will be fun.

Yesterday my car got worked on a bunch.  Apparently my air conditioning is going to die in the relatively near future, if the people working on it know what they’re talking about.  They said anywhere from 5 days to 6 months.  But that’s ok.  Who needs air conditioning?  At least, while I’m in MD I won’t.  It’s cold enough WITHOUT air conditioning…  Yeah, I miss the heat of Florida.

I hate it when I really want to do something…. and I can’t…. well, I could, but, it is probably for the best that I didn’t.  Especially when I’m used to doing it like every day.  Oh well.  No point in complaining about it I suppose.  Not quite a week yet…

Well, have to go to the orthodontist soon… so I am going to get ready.  Later.

Ok, before I post anything… I highly reccomend everyone go and read this interview with David Bazan (of Pedro the Lion).  He continues to make some really good and valid points and observations about Christianity, etc.  It also gives further insight into who he is, and I think he’s a pretty interesting person.  I am really looking forward to seeing him play at Cornerstone.  It should be really interesting.  He’s supposed to have an essay on Christianity and the arts done this year….  (of course, it was also supposed to be done last year…)  So he’ll either be reading it or passing it out or something.  That, combined with the fact that his new album is somewhat controversial from a common Christian standpoint, should prove for an interesting show immediately following the saturday church service there.

Anyway, the thing that really caught my attention in the interview with him, is this part where he says (sorry, kind of a long quote to give it context.. the important part is in bold ;)) “So there were aspects of Christianity that I started to question. But more than that I just tried to look deeper in it and find out if maybe there was something that I had been missing and I found out that there was. Now that I’m satisfied with that reconciliation and that connection with who I believe God is, the way that the church does it is really destructive and wrong. It’s really difficult for me to harmonize what I perceive Jesus being about and saying, and what the history of the Christian church has been. Even after the Reformation, there were definitely some real positive things that took place. But it didn’t take very long for it to deteriorate again into basically a more insidious version of what was wrong with Catholicism at that point prior to the Reformation. It’s not so much that I got burned by the church personally or anything like that. But I just really feel like as far as the aims of Christianity and what Christ says about love, I think that Christianity is such a tremendous failure as a religion, or Christianity at large anyways. I think that by and large people’s ridicule of it as a faith is very well-founded. I feel all those things at the same time that I have a really intense love for Jesus and the Bible, a deep satisfaction in the connection that I feel with God and with what I perceive as possible, because those things are true and because God loves us the way that he does.”

So it really caught my attention because I think it’s really true.  Like the vast majority of the church puts SO much emphasis on works, it’s almost as though if you aren’t perfect you feel like you’re going to hell.  I mean, think of what was wrong with the catholic church and why the reformation had to happen, and you can see a lot of the same stuff going on today…. except it IS more insidious, because it is more concealed… not nearly as blatant as the catholic church was about it.

Another quote: “And then the irony is that to me is there is a sense in which Christian people I think naively or ignorantly are trying to live above reproach as though it were possible and I think sort of misunderstanding what Paul was trying to say at that point. By that standard, by trying to live above reproach there is this notion that a person could get through a day without sinning or that those sins are able to be like tallied and maybe sort of getting less accrued to you.”

And to quote the lyrics from the song that that was in reference to: “I feel the darkness growing stronger / As you cram light down my throat / How does that work out for you / In your holy quest to be above the reproach?”

Hmmm… definately something to think about.  It definately isn’t possible to live without sinning.  I know that I definately due it every day.

Maybe I’ll post more later.

well, i was going to write an update today… but then i became occupied and never had a chance… not doing anything important mind you, but.. occupied none the less.  i will definately post something tomorrow.  it might even be worth your time for you to stop and read it.  note the “might”.  i’m not making any guarentees… it could very well not be worth your time in the slightest.  all right, well, i’m tired, so i’m going to shut up now.  good nite.


Well, I must say I am in fact impressed by the “final episode” of the x-files.  I have not watched it at all ever since the movie because I got sick of it, but I found this episode to be interesting.  A nice summation and ending…. except it left it completely open.  So it very well could not actually be the ending.  I think they should have completely closed it.  That would have made me much happier.

Anyway, speaking of being impressed… I have yet to write on here about Star Wars Episode 2, which I have seen twice now.  While episode 1 was an all right movie, and worth seeing, it was not too impressive, and was somewhat of a disappointment since my expectations for it were very high…. episode 2 FAR exceeded my expectations for it.  It brings back the real feel of Star Wars, which was almost completely absent from episode 1.  I also liked the darkness of it.  It at the very least rivals Empire Strikes back in that…  it may very well surpass it.  You also get Artoo and Threepio back together again, and it is just classic Star Wars there ;).  And then there’s Yoda….  Ahh.. I don’t want to ruin the surprise for anyone who hasn’t seen it yet.. but… Yoda is the man :).  And then of course we have Padme, who became a much cooler character in this movie…  and ummm… yeah.  *glances at the poster on his wall*…. anyway..  go and see the movie.  You will not be disappointed.  I’m also told that Anakin is a hottie.  Personally, I would think the evilness (or at the very least the WHINYNESS) would overshadow that… but apparently it doesn’t.  The moral we learn from this is: It’s ok to be evil and whiny, so long as you’re a hottie.  So if ever offered hotness in exchange for becoming whiny and evil, take it.

I need to find the original trilogy… it’s sitting in my house hiding somewhere.  The dark side clouds it’s location from me.  I want to watch it because I *THINK* that it tells what happens to Padme, but I am not sure.  So I want to find out.  If anyone reading this can verify for me…. does she die?

Episode 3 should be great.  I can’t wait.  It will be even darker then 2… I mean hey…. all the jedi but Anakin, Obi-wan, and Yoda have to die, don’t they?  Should be interesting to see how that happens.

Oh yeah, The Matrix Reloaded looks pretty cool too ;).

“I’ll never ask her for today
She said it best when she walked away.
All those times can be
All those times are memories

I’ve heard this once before
She left me wanting more
If ever there was a doubt
you said to me

Just remember that love is no guarantee
Love is no guarantee.

The day is over and so are we
The sun is setting on top of me.
One more time, one kiss.
There must be something more to this.

I’ve heard this once before
She left me wanting more.
If ever there was a doubt
You said to me

Just remember that love is no guarantee
Love is no guarantee.”

-“Love Is No Guarentee,” by Veronica

Which Royalty Are You? Find out! By Nishi.

You are a King!
Strong, Wise, Noble, Compassionate.
A Born Leader!

You are the epitomy of what every man should be. What sets you apart from the other men of rank and nobility is you combine every best quality they possess into one. You are skilled, motivated, ambitious, filled with a sense of purpose and morality. You know when to relax and have fun and when to be serious and courageous. You seek peace, prosperity and love in your life, and as a ruler, you seek it for your kingdom. Others follow you because of your ability to move them, and because you earned their respect. You are admired, even envied, but above all else, greatly loved.

that’s right.  I am your king.

Best zAo song ever.

“I tried again I fell again to find out for myself
It hurts for a life time

Your picture rests there for a lifetime,
And for a lifetime I will dream of you.

I prepare a mantle inside of my heart
With your photograph to sooth the scars
Unable to be erased,
unable to be forgotten.
As I grow older, I will dream.”

-“The Dreams That Don’t Come True”

007: Agent Under Fire is a really great game.  Don’t listen to anyone who tells you otherwise.  The Q-Claw rocks.  Nothing like flying around from building to building and shooting rockets at each other…..  think Spider-man with guns.  Yeah, Bond rocks.  Maybe I should be more like Bond.