Best zAo song ever.

“I tried again I fell again to find out for myself
It hurts for a life time

Your picture rests there for a lifetime,
And for a lifetime I will dream of you.

I prepare a mantle inside of my heart
With your photograph to sooth the scars
Unable to be erased,
unable to be forgotten.
As I grow older, I will dream.”

-“The Dreams That Don’t Come True”

5 thoughts on “”

  1. “weenie weenie WEENIE?”…

    *confusedlook* must be one of those inside jokes 😉 *doesntask*

    Right this very second I shall email you Sir Reese and update you on my recent whereabouts and why I’ve been MIA. If you even still care to know 😉 you dont? too bad. Im sending it anyway 😉 get over bein mad at me muahaha you oughta have learned I’m annoying as heck by now. you wont be the first to think so 😉

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