Which Royalty Are You? Find out! By Nishi.
You are a King!
Strong, Wise, Noble, Compassionate.
A Born Leader!
You are the epitomy of what every man should be. What sets you apart from the other men of rank and nobility is you combine every best quality they possess into one. You are skilled, motivated, ambitious, filled with a sense of purpose and morality. You know when to relax and have fun and when to be serious and courageous. You seek peace, prosperity and love in your life, and as a ruler, you seek it for your kingdom. Others follow you because of your ability to move them, and because you earned their respect. You are admired, even envied, but above all else, greatly loved.
that’s right. I am your king.
I’m a queen:) but you still have more power ya jerk..stupid males;-P
muahahaha 🙂
yeah and yer as hard to get an audience with as a king
you’re my king? hahahaha *ROFL*
hail King Reesespieces. 😉 *waveyupanddownarms*
I’m a Lady. Come and get me 😉 *MUAHAHA* *skipsaway*