Well, I must say I am in fact impressed by the “final episode” of the x-files.  I have not watched it at all ever since the movie because I got sick of it, but I found this episode to be interesting.  A nice summation and ending…. except it left it completely open.  So it very well could not actually be the ending.  I think they should have completely closed it.  That would have made me much happier.

Anyway, speaking of being impressed… I have yet to write on here about Star Wars Episode 2, which I have seen twice now.  While episode 1 was an all right movie, and worth seeing, it was not too impressive, and was somewhat of a disappointment since my expectations for it were very high…. episode 2 FAR exceeded my expectations for it.  It brings back the real feel of Star Wars, which was almost completely absent from episode 1.  I also liked the darkness of it.  It at the very least rivals Empire Strikes back in that…  it may very well surpass it.  You also get Artoo and Threepio back together again, and it is just classic Star Wars there ;).  And then there’s Yoda….  Ahh.. I don’t want to ruin the surprise for anyone who hasn’t seen it yet.. but… Yoda is the man :).  And then of course we have Padme, who became a much cooler character in this movie…  and ummm… yeah.  *glances at the poster on his wall*…. anyway..  go and see the movie.  You will not be disappointed.  I’m also told that Anakin is a hottie.  Personally, I would think the evilness (or at the very least the WHINYNESS) would overshadow that… but apparently it doesn’t.  The moral we learn from this is: It’s ok to be evil and whiny, so long as you’re a hottie.  So if ever offered hotness in exchange for becoming whiny and evil, take it.

I need to find the original trilogy… it’s sitting in my house hiding somewhere.  The dark side clouds it’s location from me.  I want to watch it because I *THINK* that it tells what happens to Padme, but I am not sure.  So I want to find out.  If anyone reading this can verify for me…. does she die?

Episode 3 should be great.  I can’t wait.  It will be even darker then 2… I mean hey…. all the jedi but Anakin, Obi-wan, and Yoda have to die, don’t they?  Should be interesting to see how that happens.

Oh yeah, The Matrix Reloaded looks pretty cool too ;).

5 thoughts on “”

  1. I can’t wait to see AOTC!  BTW, the line you’re thinking of is in Jedi, where Leia says “she died when I was very young.”  I don’t know that we will see that, though.  They aren’t sure how much Darth Vader we will see, and I don’t know that we will see Luke and Leia at all.

  2. I have never seen an entire Star Wars movie.  *gasp* i think if i let that get out, along with the fact that i dont like chocolate, or tomatoes, i may be unallowed to be American anymore.  I know, i need to further my education and sit and watch them, I really should. 

  3. Well, he IS hot!!  And he’s not whiny & evil… just misunderstood.   And YOOOUU think that Padme’ is hot. So there.
    I am pretty sure we have the trilogy at my house… it’s been years since I’ve seen any of them so I’ve been wanting to watch them, as well as Episode I.  Looks like a movie-night at the Aumen’s is forthcoming. 

  4. I definetly agree that should be a movie night at the A’s….hey thats my fav baseball team
    I had better be invited to see the just what exactly I have been missing all these years:) Oueenie I feel your pain

    oh and to adress the Anikin issue..He is simply a Hott whiny kid…he is obnoxious but plesing to the eyes. As long as he doesnt open his mouth hes great:)

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