Ok, so the question has been asked….. what is my favorite movie?

Well, that is actually a fairly difficult question to answer.  There are a lot of movies.  I have seen a lot of them.  I also like a lot of movies for different reasons.  My reasons for liking Bill & Ted or Spaceballs for instance, are completely different then my reasons for liking Arlington Road, which, in turn, are completely different then my reasons for liking Braveheart.  These are all different types of movies, and therefore are judged differently.  A movie that is meant to be cheesy is good in it’s cheesiness, while a movie that is not meant to be certainly is NOT good in it’s cheesiness, although in some instances it can make for a hilariously bad movie, which one may love more then a good movie (ie Independence Day; Starship Troopers (sorry to any fans out there ;)).

I also have recently been getting more and more into movies, music, poetry, and other “artsy” things.  So I kind of like more artsy aspects of movies too.  Take for instance The Blair Witch Project.  Most people I know absolutely hated the movie.  The movie certainly wasn’t as good as it was hyped up to be, but I do think that credit should be given.  It had an excellent premise and was a good idea, executed in a somewhat mediocre way.  So plot-lines and premises are also important to the movie.

There are several movies that I think are excellently done, among them, Arlington Road, Braveheart, Star Wars (the original trilogy), Cube, Pitch Black.  Are any of them my absolute favorite movie?  I don’t know.  I don’t know that I CAN have a favorite movie.  There are just too many things to take into consideration.

5 thoughts on “”

  1. *shakesherhead*

    you boys and your indecisiveness.

    that’s when you have your favorite, favoritest, favoritestest, and absolute favoritestest. 😉

    Ive gottah get going – I have to leave the house soon and I have a kagillion things to do yet – and thank you reesespieces, hopefully tonight WILL go aight 😉 until Sunday I’m gunna be freakin CRAZY going in a zilion directions you know how it goes 😉  have an awesome weekend kiddo – I’ve got class till 10 tonight, but I’ll send you a notie as soon as I can 🙂 prolly in the mornin tomorrow 😉 KEEP SMILIN YOU 🙂 *doestheSuperstarpose* 😉

  2. I have too many to list. I know what you mean. I like different movies for different reasons. Like Monty Python movies… Mmmmm so deep on so many levels.

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