You know what’s funny about this whole “unconstitutional” thing with the seperation of church and state? The closer you get to when the constitution was written, the more unconstitutional this country was being. I mean goodness, they were READING THE BIBLE in schools when the constitution was first written…… and all that PRAYING that was going on in schools for such a long time… wow, I’m sure glad they caught that one. I think we should all be pretty thankful that courts nowadays understand what this constitution is saying, whereas the people that WROTE the constitution were clearly unaware of what it actually meant. Oh wait, except the phrase “seperation of church and state” isn’t in the constitution. So I would like to tell every idiot in this country that has ever said God in school or public is unconstitutional to SHUT UP. Go read the constitution, and then you can talk to me. It came from a letter that… I think it was Jefferson (I could be wronng, some president..), wrote. It was as to why he wouldn’t declare a national day of prayer. It was HIS opinion, it was NOT an official government declaration… it was a frigging letter. It’s amazing the things that people can be made to believe. 😛

Go read up on it, everything I’ve said here can be verified, I know it because last year I did a speech on it in my senior english class… the fact of the matter is, seperation of church and state does not exist.

Stupid, stupid, stupid…. 😛

4 thoughts on “”

  1. RAWR!
    *high5sreese*If they want to seperate something, how ’bout they seperate my fist from their stupid face…and Misie’s shoe from their elbow.

    2 “MAGNUM” eProps

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