I found my watch. It was sitting in a drawer under my bed. It has been there for like… probably 2 weeks now. I don’t know how it got there. Today I just decided… that’s it, I’m going to find it. I knew it was somewhere in my room, because I would hear the alarm go off at 10:52 every day (yes, the alarm is actually set for 10:52. no, i don’t know why i didn’t just set it for 10:50.) and i would also hear it beep on the hour. So I searched EVERYWHERe… and found it. I was happy. I can look at my watch again.

All in all, today has been a pretty good day… :). Ah…

3 thoughts on “”

  1. 10:52… as long as it wasnt 11:33.  For some reason, seeing 11:33 on a digital clock makes me freak out.. like panic.  And I dont have a clue why…


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