Disclaimer: the following list is not meant to offend in any way. If you are truly offended… then… sorry, i guess. But you should be… less easily offendable 😉

I do, however, mean every word of this 😉

Top 10 Reasons Halo is better then girls:

10. Girls are stupid
9. Halo doesn’t ever get mad at you and expect you to know what you did wrong and not ever give you a chance to explain yourself.
8. Giving your opponent a solid smack in the back of the head with your assault rifle, instantly killing them, is even more satisfying then making out.
7. It hurts when girls punch you in the exact same place in the arm 300 times, but no matter how many times you get blown up in Halo, it doesn’t hurt.
6. Halo is the greatest game of all time. If girls were made into a videogame, it would be mediocre at best.
5. Girls are dumb.
4. Halo won’t reject you.
3. I have played Halo to try to get over how miserable I feel because of a girl in some way, but I have never done anything with a girl to try to get over how miserable I feel because of Halo. (Halo doesn’t make anyone feel miserable.)
2. Halo will never get boring or old. Girls get old after about a week.
1. Girls are stupid (Halo is not.)

That is the list. I hope you hate it.

11 thoughts on “”

  1. Reason 12 and three halves.

    If Chocolate tasted like monkies only some people would eat it…….oh, and please pass the chocolate flavored monkies!

  2. Ah, yes, this is the kind of poetic selfexpression one likes to read in the morning, with coffee. Mmmm. Coffee. I think I’ll write 10 reasons why coffee is better than girls.

    1. It’s liquid
    2. It doesn’t get you down
    3. You can make it however you like
    4. Its good
    10. It can’t count

  3. *claps hands*  i applaude you, jason!! i have waited in anticipation all night… even told jon to look forward to it (i like his list too)

    but i still have to go with “Boys are stupid. Throw rocks at them.”

  4. Well, you know you didnt really make 10 good points. You made like 4. You repeated and reworded a lot of the others. Sorry. If you can really convince me that a videogame is better than me, I’ll believe you, but I’m just not convinced. Nice attempt though



    Just kidding… I hate girls too.  Too bad I am one, eh?  Lovin the list, yo.

    Have a good one!

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