So yeah… the response to the last post was amazing. And it had an overwhelmingly positive response from the female gender, which I found to be quite interesting, as they typically do not like to admit that things such as Halo are so great.

Anyway, for those of you who do not know, I am presently trying to convince myself that I do not like girls… at all. As part of this attempt, I am going to come up with 1,000 reasons why I should hate girls. I figure if I have 1,000 reasons why I should hate them, then I have to at LEAST be able to convince myself that I don’t like them 😉

So it is coming……. oh yes…. it is coming….

But for now, go ahead and read the previous entry if you haven’t yet! It’s still good… even if it is a day old! I promise.

3 thoughts on “”

  1. *lol* That list is too funny!!!!!

    I am so butt hurt, you have no idea hahahahaha!


    I hate girls too!!! I like woman better *lol*

    Nice site btw.

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