so i ordered this makeshift Steadycam thing.

check out the sample videos, it looks pretty dang good.

i really hope it gets here before i have to film my next project… i was really bugged by how shaky some of my shots are in my first project.

speaking of which, i hope i will have that online sometime this week. all a matter of having time to go do a couple edits of improvement (unhappy with some of the stuff as it is, and think i can fix some of it) and then getting it exported to a video file so i can upload it.

maybe tuesday night?

also, i have been playing X-men Legends in my downtime. Anyone who has ever been a fan of the comics or the cartoon or anything like that should love it ;). It is the type of X-men game they should have made a LONG time ago.


3 thoughts on “”

  1. The steadycam does look cool.  I think I’ll build one instead of buying it. Thanks for sharing that.  I am eager to see some shots you have done. Hope you are having a good time.

  2. eah, i would build one if i had the tools…. but by the time i’m done buying the tools it would cost just as much or more then buying it… and i don’t have room to bring them back with me… so… yeah. 😉

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