So…. when are we going to stop blaming
and realize that there is probably some deeper cause to violence?

Because I mean, as we all know, murder didn’t exist until we had videogames to “teach us” how to do it.

Oh wait, yeah it did… murder existed a looong time before
videogames… as did crime…. hmmm… well, there goes that theory.

5 thoughts on “”

  1. I don’t blame videogames for violence, but I don’t think you can say they have no effect. There are many factors, and I think that videogames can be one of them (emphasis on CAN…not that they have to be)

  2. I don’t think video games are the sole reason for violence. I do think that they have an enormous effect on childeren though. Just as an example every time I have played grand theft auto I am tempted to disregard red lights and stop signs and lanes etc. never really wanted to run someone over, but if it can have a subtle effect on me (not that I’m that much more mature than a child) I can only guess that childeren are influenced at some level by the games they play and the movies they watch and the music they listen to.

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