I am strangely tired at the moment… I wouldn’t think I would be, cuz I took a 3 and a half hour nap earlier…. an hour and a half longer then I intended… stupid alarm.. 😉 but ummm… yeah. It was good. And I had some really weird dreams both last night and then. But what those were is not really important. 🙂

Anyway, I went and played guitar over by the chapel again tonight. It was cool, except for the mosquitos. Mosquitos are a tool of satan. I don’t like them.

Also, apparently around 10-10:30 pm is “let’s go make out between the chapel and cafeteria” time on Southeastern campus. I noted this because of multiple couples I saw.

Yesterday I was at the Christian bookstore, and I noted a couple new versions of the bible you can buy. They’re really kind of cool. The first one is the “spirit filled bible”… which, apparently, contains the holy spirit. The Holy Spirit has been trapped and contained inside of this bible for commercial purposes. The second one is what I have dubbed the “bible-in-a-box”… You see this wooden box with a knob on it…. you pull the knob to open the front panel of the box… inside, what do you find but…. a velvet pouch? And THEN, you open the pouch to find yourself a bible. Apparently you should keep your bible in a box as symbolism of keeping God in a box. It is easier to deal with that way. Plus, it’s so much work to actually GET to your bible, that you’ll probably never even read it anyway. You’ll just look at your little wooden box.

I’m sure there are more fun new bibles… but i didn’t have time to look at them yesterday. Maybe next time.

5 thoughts on “”

  1. Lee is great, we get all the benifits of summer (green grass, shaddy trees, 80 degree weather) but no mosquitos or flies!  It must be all the rain we get, the mosquitos must drown. Yeah for summer!

  2. funny bible stuff! but for real though- check out the message bible, its in contemporary lingo and it reads like a book w/ no verse numbers. its cool. nope, no email, sorry. did you get the right address? ktclaire87@aol.com– and just in case put for the subject to katie or sumthin cuz i might accidently delete it if i dont recognize the senders address. l8er


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