Ok, I took this survey from Left_Coast_Punk’s site… cuz I was bored and needed something to do.. so here it is, check it out 🙂
1. Name: Jason David Aumen
2. Were you named after anyone?
My middle name is after my Dad’s first… I don’t think my first name is after anyone though…
3. Do you wish on stars?
Not on stars so much…
4. Which finger is your favorite?
I think I like my index finger best, cuz I use it a lot… but ummm the others are important to. My LEAST favorite is my stupid pinkie… it’s just so… weak.
5. When did you last cry?
Doesn’t happen too often, but in this case it wasn’t so long ago.. umm.. maybe 3 weeks ago now?
6. If you were making a movie about yourself, who would play you?
Mark Hamill. Because he’s the only actor desperate enough for that job.
7. Do you like your handwriting?
I have no problem with it. It’s not good, by any means, but I can read it, and that’s what counts.
8. Who do you admire?
Lots of people 😉 I just posted about one of them yesterday. But yeah, I admire lots of people for different reasons… I dunno that there’s any one that I admire more then any other.
9. What is the #1 priority in your life?
Being an impoverished hitch hiker trying to see the marvels of the Universe for less than thirty Altairan Dollars a day. That’s my job. Fun, isn’t it?
10. What is your favorite lunch?
My favorite LUNCH? I wasn’t aware that there were foods that were strictly lunch foods. I dunno. Pizza is good if you don’t eat it too often, but I’m also a big fan of subs.
11. Any bad habits?
PICKING at my nails (not biting). yeah, I used to bite them but then I had braces, and that made it exceedingly difficult… so I started this thing where I picked at them instead. I try not to do it, but I do from time to time anyway.
12. What store would you never be caught dead in?
Well if I was dead I wouldn’t care what store they brought me in to… I mean, I’m dead, obviously I’m not there by choice. 😉 Ummm… I don’t really care what stores people see me in… I just steer clear of the stores where guys have no business being.
13. If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
I’d probably throw rocks at me.
14. Are you a daredevil?
As long as I know I won’t die. Death isn’t my thing, but otherwise… hey, they’re just bones and organs… 😉
15. Name the person that you have had the deepest philosophical talk with?
I dunno… I have those with lots of people, and I don’t know how to measure the “deepness” of them to determine the “deepest”. 😉 I have probably had more of those with Aubrey then any other single person tho, so I’ll say her.
16. Have you ever told a secret you swore you wouldn’t tell?
Probably at some point in my life, but not in recent times… not that I can really remember, actually.
17. Have you ever stolen anything?
Not intentionally.
18. Do looks matter?
Of course they do, to some extent. They certainly are not everything though, and people tend to place way too much importance on them.
19. Do you pray (religiously)? Religously? I don’t know about religously…. my prayers don’t sound very religous to me… but… yeah, I pray. “catch ya later God!”
20.Have you ever met anyone famous?
Depends on how you define famous.
21. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?
Probably, but it’s not worth dealing with those nasty leprechauns.
22. Are you trendy?
I certainly don’t try to be. So no, I don’t think so.
23. What do you do to prevent anger?
To prevent it? Nothing really, I just try not to get angry… that’s usually pretty effective.
24. Are you passive or aggressive? Generally much more passive. People are usually way too uptight about things.
25. Who is your idol?
26. Who is your second family?
If by that you are referring to like really good friends… then.. I don’t want to mention names, cuz I’ll probly leave someone out… they know who they are… or they should 🙂
27. Do you trust others easily?
I trust people until they give me a reason not to. I give them the benefit of the doubt.
28. What was your favorite toy as a child?
Depends on exactly how old I was… at different points in my childhood I had different favorite toys. The first one to come to mind though was thiselectronic dog thing called Wrinkles. It talked and had this bone thing and all… It was pretty neat, I guess, at the time. I remember taking it with me a bunch of places, so yeah… at one point it was my favorite.
29. What class in school did you think was totally useless?
Chemistry and English. Chemistry not because of the subject so much, but because my teacher didn’t care and so I didn’t really learn anything 😉 English because public schools suck and that’s why only like 2% of americans under the age of 25 can write at a moderately good level. At the time I was taking it, I thought spanish was useless… but I wish I would have paid more attention now.
30. Have you ever been on radio or television?
Yeah to television, no to radio… Nothing exciting on tv though, so I’m not gonna tell about it :). Anyway, I will be on my school’s radio next semester. That’ll be cool.
31. Do you like sappy love songs?
Haha… actually, yes 😉
32. What is your greatest fear?
I don’t know that I have one. I’m not really afraid of a lot.
32. Do you have a journal?
Yeah, I do. Haven’t written in it in awhile though.
33. Have you ever intentionally hurt someone?
Not intentionally.
34. Do you like sarcasm?
haha… do i like sarcasm? ha!…. 🙂 no, hate it.
35. Have you ever been in a mosh pit?
Heck yeah. Fun stuff there… Or painful stuff, sometimes. Generally though I either end up being the guy that gets elbowed in the kidneys several times, followed by a foot in the face… or else I end up having to save stupid girls from such a fate because their dumb boyfriends brought them into it and promised to protect them but then they neglect them and leave and then I feel bad for the stupid girls and… yeah. It’s a problem.
36. Do you feel understood most of the time?
Not really. There are some people that do, but I think all in all I confuse a lot of people.
37. What is your most favorite possession?
I like my guitar, and my car, and my copy of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, and my towel and… other stuff.
38. Have you thought seriously about committing suicide?
Surely haven’t.
39. Do you know what `sctief’ is?
Pretty sure it has something to do with a f`diln’ite.
40. What is your nickname?
Reese. Loserface. Jerkface. Face.
41. What is the worst thing anyone has said to you?
I don’t know.
42. Would you ever bungee jump?
Yeah, so long as wherever i go they have a good record with people not dying 😉
43. Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?
Of course not! I’m way too lazy to be untying and retying my shoes all the time. Sheesh 😛
44. What are you worried about right now?
I’m not really worried about anything. Maybe a little bit about how I need money and a job.
45. Do you ever wear overalls?
46. Do you think you are strong?
Compared to what?
47. What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
Don’t know. I like the basics. Like Vanilla and Chocolate, but cookies and cream is also really good. Generally I like stuff like milkshakes and root beer floats though, so umm.. the basics are more cool for stuff like that.
48. What is your favorite restaurant and food from there?
I dunno, it really depends on what I want. I like the Outback for steaks, I like Casa Rica for fajitas, I like Lotus for chinese…. umm.. yeah 🙂