8 days to Cornerstone…

Well, I didn’t write about Minority Report last night because I was far too tired by the time I got home, and then there were people here for another hour or so, and by that point I wasn’t thinking much at all, except that I wanted to go to sleep ;).

But anyway, I told you all I would tell you how it was, and so… I will.  It was a very good movie, I thought.  There were some negative aspects to it…  there were a few kind of awkward transitions, a couple slow spots….  but all in all it held itself together very well with it’s story, which I thought was pretty solid.  I also really liked the message behind it.  I can’t really tell you what it is, because I think that would give awaya good bit of the plot-line… but you should definately go see the movie 🙂

Oh, and the thing that really bugs me still……  Spielberg’s vision of cars in the future.  What bugs me even more… the fact that I was told by someone last night that they’re actually based on CURRENT concept cars like at Lexus and stuff.  Is it just me, or are the cars frigging retarded looking and ugly?  What happened to the cool flying cars from Back to the Future darn it?  I WANT THOSE… not some stupid narrow ugly thing.  I mean, if they could fly, MAYBE I could deal with it… but they can’t even do that.  What kind of future IS this anyway?  The future is supposed to have cool stuff like that.  I think it is a very depressing future, where one is forced to have a crappy car.

And… that’s about it for now 🙂

Ok, so I forgot to write about this earlier… last night… the most evil thing happened.  McDonalds’ employees suck.  The next time you see one, punch them in the face for me.  If you happen to be one… umm.. nothing personal, but, if you could have someone punch you in the face for me, that would be great.

Anyway, when I arrived at heather’s house I was informed that they had eaten all of heather’s pizza and therfore she had no food, so they wanted to go to mcdonalds to get her some…  and they asked me if i wanted to come, so, i did… so elliot and i went to mcdonalds….  it was open.. we didn’t know if they closed at 11 or midnight though.  Anyway, elliot had to get money from the ATM, and, when we got back to mcdonalds… they had a really weird drivethru.. so we were like not in the right place to order… and they saw us… and we started driving around.. and.. 5 seconds later, the lights all go out… I mean stinking ALL of them.  The JERK mcdonalds people CLOSED because they were too frigging lazy to take ONE more STUPID order.  I’m going back there tonight and kicking the manager in the crotch for that one.

Anyway, we then went to Food Lion to get stuff, and ended up buying like cookies and ice cream and stuff.  They had Cheerwine Ice Cream.  Which was odd, cuz umm.. Cheerwine…  Only place I’ve ever seen that stuff sold is in North and South Carolina.  No one else has ever heard of it.  And secondly it was odd because it was Food Lion brand, Cheerwine Swirl.  Here we are, in MARYLAND, where they don’t even SELL CHEERWINE, and Food Lion is making Cheerwine Swirl ice cream.  Explain that one to me.  Anyway, if you ever see it… you’re probably better off buying vanilla…. unless you really really like artificial cherry flavoring.  There are like big chunks of that in it, but otherwise it’s just vanilla ice cream.  Odd.

Oh, and peanut butter and chocolate cream oreos are really good, I decided.

I’m off.  I’ll be back to tell you all whether Minority Report turns out to be good or not tonight 😉

9 days to Cornerstone.

Ok, so I just took this quiz… here are my results:

I'm so emo!
Take the The “What Teen Label Do You Fit Into Most?” Quiz!
by antiperfect

Well, it goes with my emo pic I guess. 😉

So yeah, I woke up way too early this morning… like… around 9.  Now, I didn’t get to sleep till like 3 last night…  but when I woke up at 9, and didn’t know what time it was, it FELT like it was somewhat late… and I was like… crap… I need to wake up!  because well, I have to go to Vicki’s graduation party, which starts at 3… and I was figuring it was like noon, the earliest… so I like get out of bed real quick, put on my glasses, hop on here to check my e-mail before going to shower and all that….  and…  I see the little clock… 9 am ;).  Stupid.  I hate that.

So yeah, my internal clock was about 3 hours off this morning… I’ll have to remember to get it fixed.  But yeah, really, I almost always know what time it is, with or without a watch, and I usually can get myself to wake up at whatever time I want.   It’s really cool and convenient.  I still carry a watch, because I like to be SURE,but generally I can just kind of… feel it.  I don’t know… maybe I have some kind of werid thing going on with the earth’s magnetic field or something.  or possibl they have my brain hooked up to the atomic clock…  either way, my alarm almost always fails to ever get a chance to go off, because i wake up several minutes before it.

At any rate, now it really IS almost 12… so I am going to go ahead and begin the getting ready for the actual day process now, then I’ll be able to mess around some more.

Oh, and thanks for all the comments and eprops everyone….  have been getting significantly more lately.. and umm.. yeah…. that’s cool 🙂



Ok, I took this survey from Left_Coast_Punk’s site…  cuz I was bored and needed something to do.. so here it is, check it out 🙂

1. Name: Jason David Aumen

2. Were you named after anyone?

My middle name is after my Dad’s first…  I don’t think my first name is after anyone though…

3. Do you wish on stars? 

Not on stars so much… 

4. Which finger is your favorite?

I think I like my index finger best, cuz I use it a lot… but ummm the others are important to.  My LEAST favorite is my stupid pinkie… it’s just so… weak.

5. When did you last cry?

Doesn’t happen too often, but in this case it wasn’t so long ago.. umm.. maybe 3 weeks ago now?

6. If you were making a movie about yourself, who would play you? 

Mark Hamill.  Because he’s the only actor desperate enough for that job.

7. Do you like your handwriting?

I have no problem with it.  It’s not good, by any means, but I can read it, and that’s what counts.

8. Who do you admire?

Lots of people 😉  I just posted about one of them yesterday.  But yeah, I admire lots of people for different reasons… I dunno that there’s any one that I admire more then any other.

9. What is the #1 priority in your life?

Being an impoverished  hitch  hiker  trying  to  see  the  marvels  of the Universe for less than thirty Altairan Dollars a day. That’s my job. Fun, isn’t it?

10. What is your favorite lunch?

My favorite LUNCH?  I wasn’t aware that there were foods that were strictly lunch foods.  I dunno.  Pizza is good if you don’t eat it too often, but I’m also a big fan of subs.

11. Any bad habits?

PICKING at my nails (not biting).  yeah, I used to bite them but then I had braces, and that made it exceedingly difficult… so I started this thing where I picked at them instead.  I try not to do it, but I do from time to time anyway.

12. What store would you never be caught dead in?

Well if I was dead I wouldn’t care what store they brought me in to… I mean, I’m dead, obviously I’m not there by choice.  😉  Ummm…  I don’t really care what stores people see me in… I just steer clear of the stores where guys have no business being.

13. If you were another person, would you be friends with you?

I’d probably throw rocks at me.

14. Are you a daredevil?

As long as I know I won’t die.  Death isn’t my thing, but otherwise… hey, they’re just bones and organs… 😉

15. Name the person that you have had the deepest philosophical talk with?

I dunno…  I have those with lots of people, and I don’t know how to measure the “deepness” of them to determine the “deepest”. 😉  I have probably had more of those with Aubrey then any other single person tho, so I’ll say her.

16. Have you ever told a secret you swore you wouldn’t tell?

Probably at some point in my life, but not in recent times… not that I can really remember, actually.

17. Have you ever stolen anything?

Not intentionally.

18. Do looks matter?

Of course they do, to some extent.  They certainly are not everything though, and people tend to place way too much importance on them.

19. Do you pray (religiously)? Religously?  I don’t know about religously….  my prayers don’t sound very religous to me… but… yeah, I pray.   “catch ya later God!”

20.Have you ever met anyone famous?

Depends on how you define famous.

21. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?

Probably, but it’s not worth dealing with those nasty leprechauns.

22. Are you trendy?

I certainly don’t try to be.  So no, I don’t think so.

23. What do you do to prevent anger?

To prevent it?  Nothing really, I just try not to get angry… that’s usually pretty effective.

24. Are you passive or aggressive? Generally much more passive.  People are usually way too uptight about things.

25. Who is your idol?


26. Who is your second family?

If by that you are referring to like really good friends… then.. I don’t want to mention names, cuz I’ll probly leave someone out… they know who they are… or they should 🙂

27. Do you trust others easily?

I trust people until they give me a reason not to.  I give them the benefit of the doubt.

28. What was your favorite toy as a child?

Depends on exactly how old I was… at different points in my childhood I had different favorite toys.  The first one to come to mind though was thiselectronic dog thing called Wrinkles.  It talked and had this bone thing and all…  It was pretty neat, I guess, at the time.  I remember taking it with me a bunch of places, so yeah… at one point it was my favorite.

29. What class in school did you think was totally useless?

Chemistry and English.  Chemistry not because of the subject so much, but because my teacher didn’t care and so I didn’t really learn anything 😉  English because public schools suck and that’s why only like 2% of americans under the age of 25 can write at a moderately good level.  At the time I was taking it, I thought spanish was useless… but  I wish I would have paid more attention now.

30. Have you ever been on radio or television?

Yeah to television, no to radio…  Nothing exciting on tv though, so I’m not gonna tell about it :).  Anyway, I will be on my school’s radio next semester.  That’ll be cool.

31. Do you like sappy love songs?

Haha… actually, yes 😉

32. What is your greatest fear?

I don’t know that I have one.  I’m not really afraid of a lot. 

32. Do you have a journal?

Yeah, I do.  Haven’t written in it in awhile though.

33. Have you ever intentionally hurt someone?

Not intentionally.

34. Do you like sarcasm?

haha… do i like sarcasm?  ha!…. 🙂  no, hate it.

35. Have you ever been in a mosh pit?

Heck yeah.  Fun stuff there… Or painful stuff, sometimes.  Generally though I either end up being the guy that gets elbowed in the kidneys several times, followed by a foot in the face… or else I end up having to save stupid girls from such a fate because their dumb boyfriends brought them into it and promised to protect them but then they neglect them and leave and then I feel bad for the stupid girls and…  yeah.  It’s a problem.

36. Do you feel understood most of the time?

Not really.  There are some people that do, but I think all in all I confuse a lot of people. 

37. What is your most favorite possession?

I like my guitar, and my car, and my copy of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, and my towel and… other stuff.

38. Have you thought seriously about committing suicide?

Surely haven’t.

39. Do you know what `sctief’ is?

Pretty sure it has something to do with a f`diln’ite.

40. What is your nickname?

Reese.  Loserface.  Jerkface.  Face.

41. What is the worst thing anyone has said to you?

I don’t know.

42. Would you ever bungee jump? 

Yeah, so long as wherever i go they have a good record with people not dying 😉

43. Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?

Of course not!  I’m way too lazy to be untying and retying my shoes all the time.  Sheesh 😛

44. What are you worried about right now?

I’m not really worried about anything.  Maybe a little bit about how I need money and a job.

45. Do you ever wear overalls? 


46. Do you think you are strong?

Compared to what?

47. What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?

Don’t know.  I like the basics.  Like Vanilla and Chocolate, but cookies and cream is also really good.  Generally I like stuff like milkshakes and root beer floats though, so umm.. the basics are more cool for stuff like that.

48. What is your favorite restaurant and food from there?

I dunno, it really depends on what I want.  I like the Outback for steaks, I like Casa Rica for fajitas, I like Lotus for chinese….  umm.. yeah 🙂

[warning: this is far too long.   But if you enjoy deep theological discussion you will probably enjoy it.  Otherwise, go ahead and skip down to an earlier post and leave a comment on it ]


When you go to this site, you will be greeted with a short flash movie, followed by an image which displays one of these messages:

“Come on son, let’s kick some Christian ass.”
“Extra, extra!  Christianity is false.  You are free to go now.”
“Your children are ours, finally they have faith.”
“Does the corporate world pause for God?  Don’t bet your money on it.”
“Even God logs on.”

Yet at the bottom of this page, what do we find?

“Our promise to you…

Family Site

Christianburner.com is kid tested, mother approved.  There will be no pornographic or violent links, banners, images, or affiliations on this site.  We aim to keep our content wholesome and family oriented for your peace of mind and for the saftey of your children.  That is the christianburner.com promise you you… and much like god, we cannot tell a lie.”

Ok, so it’s true, there are no pornographics banners or links…  However, the entire concept of the site is based on the HATRED of Christians.  I mean, think about the name of the site…. ChristianBurner.com.  Gee, that sounds perfectly family oriented.

And now for a point by point rebuttal of the site: (note: titles come from section titles, etc. that are used on the site…  read the site first if you want to completely understand what I’m talking about).



He starts off saying that one of these 4 things must be true: Either God is 1.) limited  2.) evil  3.) perfect  or 4.) false.  Ok, I’ll agree with that.  One of those things has to be true.  Relatively good arguments are given for why He can’t be limited or evil, although I am not certain that God neccesarily HAS to be completely unlimited.  I mean certain things HAVE to be impossible, and that’s just the way they are… example being:  Can God create a boulder that is so big that even He himself cannot lift it?  Either way, God is limited.  He either cannot create a boulder he can’t lift, or He can’t lift something.  Hmmm…  But that does not make God an impossibility.  The next argument he makes is that God is NOT perfect.  His argument for this makes little sense though.  He says that God is limited and therefore not perfect and the reason for this is that He is a He.  Apparently a perfect, not limited God, would not have a gender, according to him.  My argument here is, God is not neccesarily a He as we think of “he”s.  God uses symbolism a lot of the time, and family has always been symbolic of God’s relationship to man.  The man is to be the head.  He makes the important decisions, and takes care of his wife and children… not because He is better then the wife, or smarter then the wife, or anything like that… but so that the wife doesn’t have to.  I could go on about this topic, but it is not what I am addressing, so I won’t :).  Anyway, he does not make a strong enough argument that God is not perfect, so therefore he has not ruled it out, and it is as every bit as much of a possibility as “God is false” is.

(as a side note, apparently this guy is omniscient…  this is what he says after that argument “I understand for many the above summary is not good enough. If you are a Christian, your calculations are in error. I will now go into greater detail and discipline your feeble mind.”  I certainly am glad he informed me that my calculations are in error.  I will now believe everything which he tells me is true.  Sorry for questioning your supreme knowledge, oh great omniscient one.)

In the beginning

This section talks about desire and how a complete, unlimited God could not have it.  Either God NEEDED to create other beings, or he DESIRED to.  Yeah, that’s true.  If you want to look at desire as a limitation, then fine, God is limited by your definition.  God did not create God, you did not create God.  God is as God is, and He is the only way that God could be.  God couldn’t have been any other way, so how can you say that God cannot experience desire?  When God created us, he created us with many of the same emotions, feelings, etc, that he experiences.  Example being, he gave us the ability to love.  He tells us that He IS love.  Think about this: What good is love if there is no one else TO love?  God is complete in that He is a completely self-sufficient being, but NO, he was NOT satisfied without any companionship.  That is the whole point of creation.  I am not arguing this point with you, because it is true, but it does not support what you are saying.  God is also not satisfied with the state of His creation right now.  An unsatisfied state does not mean that God cannot exist.


Something about angels and how God either made a mistake with them or else the angel’s “miscalculated god’s plans”.  He also says that the bible says that the angels are God’s helpers, but that God shouldn’t need helpers.  Close.  The greek word for angel is “angelos”, and it means messenger.  Messenger, not helper.  They tell things on God’s behalf to we humans, and they also have the capacity to do other things as well, while those things may not be strictly their duty.  The angels were created in a holy state just as humans were, but they are not a race, in that they do not reproduce, therefore they do not inherit an evil nature, they must choose it, which is what happened when the 1/3 fell.  Certainly God COULD have not given them free will and thereby kept them from choosing evil.  But that does not mean he made a mistake to give them free will.  Again, an insufficient argument.


A rather pointless challenge to the Genesis account of Creation.  Apparently he feels it is impossible for God to have created the sun on the first day, and the rest of the stars later.  Insuffcient argument.

Garden of Eden

Says that God is testing Adam.  No, He was NOT testing Adam.  The fruit was there because in order for there to be free will, one must be ABLE to choose the other way.  That was the only thing that humans could do wrong at that point.  Otherwise, they knew only good.  If there is no ability to do wrong, then you do not have free will.  Invalid argument because it is based on an incorrect assumption.

He also talks about how God creates man with a desire for sex, but forbids fornication.  That’s RIGHT my friend, He forbids FORNICATION, NOT SEX.  SEX and FORNICATION are 2 different things.  God created sex as a union of 1 man and 1 woman.  He is not cruel to forbid fornication.

Angels and Animals

Ummm.. extremely poor title choice because it doesn’t talk about animals at ALL.  This section refers to human/demon half-breeds.  This is in fact a possibility, if that is what the Nephilim WERE.  However, the bible does NOT read “angels” (note to those who may not know: demons are angels, only fallen).  It reads “Sons of God”.  According to the notes in my Bible, which may or may not be correct, “since angels do not marry or reproduce” they were probably NOT angels.  It says that they may have been the descendants of Seth who intermarried with Cain’s descendants (in this case, the descendants of Seth would be the Sons of God, and Cain’s would be the “daughters of men”.)  Which way is right?  I don’t know.  In either case, simply because God ALLOWS something to happen does not mean that he WANTS it to happen, or that it is a good thing.  Yeah, seems odd that He would give angels the ability to interbreed with humans, but 1.) That may be a misinterpretation of Genesis 6:4, and 2.) That does not prove that God does not exist.  Also, nowhere that i see does the bible say ANYTHING about God being mad about the nephilim.  It simply comes right before it talks of the world having become very wicked.  In fact, it seems to make a positive statement about them, again sort of saying the half-breed thing probably isn’t true.  It says “They were the heroes of old, men of renown.”  Another flawed argument.

The Flood

All I can say here is he obviously hasn’t looked into pre-flood theories AT ALL.  Before you talk about something, make an attempt to research it.  It’s called the canopy theory my freind.  If it is true, who knows if it is or not, then the world DID have a uniform climate.  Also, I am certain that the oceans changed a great deal following the flood.  and rain did not just come from the sky, it also came from WITHIN the earth.  This could cause the ground to split, etc, and cause the formation of continents from one BIG land mass.  Which is a theory that more then just Creationists use.  Yes, some species probably died off after the flood (dinosaurs for one), but that does not mean that God wasted His time on them.  The sin of man effects all of man’s world, because it brings mortality into the picture.  Before the fall of man there was no death.  Insufficient argument.

Moses and Egypt

Ok, covers a very broad portion of the Bible and I don’t really have the time to sit and look up each speciffic thing…  however, he does talk about God “murdering” the children of the egyptians (you know the angel of death, killed all the firstborn sons).  It also talks of God ordering the Isrealites to “murder” those that worshipped the golden calf.  1.) God cannot murder.  God is the one that gives life.  It is his life to give, and it is his life to take away.  He has every right to do it, as creator.  And killing the calf-worshippers is no more murder then putting someone in an electric chair and throwing the switch is murder.  It is punishment, not murder.  He also talks about God commanding them not to eat meat, and gives them manna, and then after they complain he sends them foul to eat, but then changes His mind and kills off a third of them.  I’d have to read through I whole lot of Exodus to find anything about this, and I don’t paticularly feel like it right now….  It certainly doesn’t sound like it is accurate though.  I will check into it later, but, other then that, which I have yet to verify, this is an insufficient argument as well.


He tries to say that it makes no sense for Jesus to be punished in our place for sin.  The problem is, it’s not neccesarily a punishment.  It’s more a payment of a debt.  Sin demands death.  That is sin’s nature.  It is not GOD that demands the death.  Without blood, there is no remission of sins.  Jesus gave that blood.  Only one who was fully God and fully man could do that for everyone, and that was Jesus.  It makes perfect sense.  The argument is based on an incorrect assumption and therefore invalid.


Basically the same as the last thing.  God doesn’t send people to Hell as punishment.  In life you either choose to be with God, or away from God.  All Hell is, is complete seperation from God.  It’s people getting what they CHOSE.  They just find out that what they chose isn’t quite what it was cracked up to be.


No comments on his conclusion.  My conclusion is that the debate is still very much open.  I am interested to hear any of your opinions.  Do you disagree with me?  I want to hear what you think.  So comment away.

By special request, I have put back up my emo pic from quite some time ago.  I’m told I look cool in it.  I don’t know.  Maybe I do.  *shrugs*

I just got back from Oasis and hanging out at the Ground Round afterwards….  It was pretty interesting.  I really enjoyed Oasis tonight… it was probably the first time that I really really loved it.  I guess in a spiritual sense I have been kind of distant lately.  And tonight that distance was definately taken away.

At the Ground Round we had kind of theological discussion, that at some point became sort of an argument (not in the bad sense of argument, but, you know) over the arts…. and what should or shouldn’t be listened to/watched/etc.  The point that I brought up that we all agreed upon, but disagreed over how it should be applied, is that… Christians definately watch secular movies.  They watch movies that contain cursing, they watch movies that contain sexual themes, they watch movies that contain otherwise sinful themes, and they have no problem whatsoever with watching these movies.  They also have no problem with other people wathcing these movies, but if you take the same words, the same themes, and put them in a song, they will NOT listen to it, and they will condemn any Christian that DOES listen to it.  The point is… WHAT is the DIFFERENCE?  It’s the same thing, at least live consistently.  I don’t care which way you choose, but don’t be retarded about it.  I also tried to bring up art for art’s sake, and that art for art’s sake can be glorifying to God even if the person doing it is not making a concious attempt to glorify God, even if that person doesn’t believe in God.  I really think that when someone uses artistic talent to the best of their ability, and writes like an incredibly intricate, beautiful song, that they are totally bringing glory to God.  Certainly not EVERY song out there is glorifying to God.  Example being… Eminem definately doesn’t have a single “song” (if you want to call them that) that glorifies God.  A.) It’s not music  B.) It’s not art.  C.) He has no talent….  anyone who considers that talent has some issues…. 😉  Anyway, no way do I think a Christian should be listening to that.  I don’t know why they would want to.  Then, I don’t know why anyone would want to.  But there definately is stuff out there that is totally glorifying to God, whether the people making it be Christians or not.  God is, after all, the one who gave them their abilities.  Their motives are not neccessarily important in that respect.

On another note, I’m just writing about this really to sort of reflect on it in my own mind…  so it feels kind of weird writing it on here for other people, including the person i’m going to talk about, to read, but… I’m going to anyway.  🙂  Anyway, the last couple of days I have been really thinking about like…  Aubrey (AlmostAngel) and her way of seeing things, and experiencing things, etc.  And like… really, the more I learn about her, the more I get to know her, the more and more I totally love her :).  But umm..  the thing is…  she can have a completely sucky day, like the worst day ever, and still, while she may not be happy happy, like deep down, she definately is, and you can see that.  And she’s like tried to explain it a bit to me before, but I never really understood it at all…  but umm.. in thinking about it, I’m kind of equating it to what joy is.  And I think the reason it seems so strange is that very few people really have real joy.  Like she can take the most seemingly boring situation, tell you about it, and make it seem like the coolest thing, because her experience of it was LIKe that, while the average person would just… be bored :).  And it’s so cool, and I think it’s such a gift for her to be able to do that.  But joy, true joy, as I see it, is not dependant on circumstances.  If you have joy, you can have the worst day ever and still have joy, you know?  Yeah, you’re not “happy” persay, but in a way you are still genuinely happy, because you have joy.  Maybe it’s contradictory, I don’t know.  It probably doesn’t make sense to anyone else, but it certainly makes sense to me.  But yeah, I definately wish that I was more like that.  I really completely hate being bummed out or bored….  I want to learn how to see stuff like she does 😉  So ummm…  yeah.  Anyway, sorry Aubrey, I’m sure you probably don’t enjoy reading about yourself on here, I probably wouldn’t enjoy it if someone were to write about me on here… but umm… oh well. 🙂

Anyway, tonight was also weird cuz ppl kept making me sing… haha…. I totally don’t think I can sing all that good.  like I think I’m ok, but I don’t think it’s anything special, so I don’t really like to do it like… when people are just listening to me, cuz I feel dumb.  Anyway, they finally got me to sing to the Further Seems Forever song “Snowbirds and Townies” that they have been trying to get me to for awhile now….  only reason I could do it at all is cuz I was able to block out the fact that other people were there from my mind.  I had myself convinced I was alone, even though I knew I wasn’t, if that makes any sense.  But umm.. yeah.

Anyway, I am pretty tired, so that is all for now.  I will write more after some sleep and all that kind of fun stuff.

oh yeah, and holyfanatic180 is EXTREMELY gullible 😉  haha… no, my hands do not still have the black stuff on them 🙂  I was just being dumb 🙂

The Vague But Nice Quiz by blusteryvirgin

Ok, so the Gak/leprosy of the hands picture is finally up.  For serious this time.  🙂  My hands still look like that by the way, and my right ring finger is kinda dangling…. hmmm….

So ummm… I still didn’t write about my trip yesterday.  I just woke up 15 min ago so I’m still way too tired to write about that, but I will again try to later today 😉  Yesterday I was just gone all day long.  Which was a very good thing.  Far more entertaining then my days normally are :).

I woke up early to see about going to New York… unfortunately, I was unable to attain money to go….  that would have been fun, but, since myself and those I was gonna go with were up anyway… we decided we were gonna do SOEMTHING all day.  So I picked up Vicki and we met a bunch of people for lunch, then we went to Nick’s house and hung out a bunch.  We also went under this overpass thing and hung out for awhile.  It was there that about 74 ticks decided to spontaneously jump onto me.  Each one slowly revealed itself to me throughout the day.  luckily, only one had actually gotten around to that blood sucking thing.  I yanked the thing off of me and.. yeah.  heh…  stupid ticks.

Anyway, yeah, then after we hung out at Nick’s more, and he had to go todrivers ed, vicki and i came here to try and call other people.  They never picked up their phones except for Jon, who is a bum 😉  and Lisa, who was busy packing and stuff.  So to all the people who I called and they never answered:  I do not approve.

So then I took vicki home cuz there was nothing else to do really and i wanted to take her home before it was too late.  Then I got back and talked to the beautiful AlmostAngel (who already gets WAY too many comments, but you can go ahead and check out her site anyway…)

Anyway, story about the weekend later today…. in theory, at least 🙂

I am linus
Which Peanuts Character Are You Quiz

ha!  *laughs*… all you people commented and not ONE of you mentioned that the new picture does not contain any black gak on my hands, or leprosy of the hands.  nor did any of you mention that the new picture looks very much like the picture previously there…. for the very good reason that it is, in fact, the very same picture.  I FORGOT to change the pic, and you all didn’t even notice!  HA!

Way to be not observant (mental note… you want them to come back… don’t make fun of them too much… ;))

Anyway, the pic is now changed.