ha!  *laughs*… all you people commented and not ONE of you mentioned that the new picture does not contain any black gak on my hands, or leprosy of the hands.  nor did any of you mention that the new picture looks very much like the picture previously there…. for the very good reason that it is, in fact, the very same picture.  I FORGOT to change the pic, and you all didn’t even notice!  HA!

Way to be not observant (mental note… you want them to come back… don’t make fun of them too much… ;))

Anyway, the pic is now changed.

5 thoughts on “”

  1. oh…I noticed.

    I just know you’re insane.

    and dear. the pictures still the same.

    i cant change mine either. dear heavens. we’re stuck forever like we are.

  2. yeah, i know its the same… but I’ve been trying to change it for awhile now, as opposed to this morning when i completely forgot 🙂

  3. yea I noticed it, but I didn’t want to say anything cause I know how gay xanga can be about not changing stuff,…infact, I hope it posts this msg because I forgot to start out in notepad and copy and paste it on here.

    Oh, and shame on ekulf for saying you’re retarded, cause you rock!

  4. Hahaha….yeah..I’ll admit I didn’t notice there was no pic…but….I didn’t know there was really supposed to be one either…hahahah..oh well..maybe I’m the retarded one..haha

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