Ok, so finally someone gave a comment that gives me somewhere to go with 😉
Callings. Does God give callings? Is everyone called to a speciffic thing? Is anyone called to anything? If you have a calling, how do you know what your calling is?
Firstly, I have to say, the best article I have ever read on this is over at Decapolis (www.decapolis.com; click on “features and articles”, it is under features… it’s called “What is my calling?”). Conrad is a smart guy. I reccomend reading everything to be found there, if you get the chance.
Now, for starters…. I have always been told by people that basically, everyone has a calling on your life. You need to do what God has called you to do… whether that be to be a pastor, to be a doctor, to be a rock star, or to be a… janitor, i guess (hey, somebody’s gotta do it). If you don’t do what you are called to do, you are outside of the will of God and therefore will never be as happy as you could/should be.
Personally, I have never felt a calling on me at ALL. I haven’t even felt a “this is what I want to do more then anything else”… Sure, there are some things I’d love to do, but I’m not necessarily sure that I’m really cut out for any of them.
So that led me to believe that in general, God does not place a divine calling on each of our individual lives. I also think that this means beliefs such as that God has that perfect special someone out there for you, that you are supposed to be with are merely idealistic beliefs. I mean, think about it…. What happens if the person you are “supposed” to be with ends up with someone else? Then it messed you up, it messed it up for them, it messed it up for the person that the person you were supposed to be with ended up with… and the person that they were supposed to be with… and so on and so on. No one would be in the will of God as far as that is concerned. Plus there is no such thing as the “perfect” person to be with anyway, since perfection is not a quality which is attainable by a human.
I think that our calling is mostly determined by our desires. I think that perhaps, in a way, God may give us callings by giving us desires. If you have a desire to play music, go for it, be a musician… if you have a desire to… be a computer programmer, go for it…. if you have a desire to… insert your desire here… go for it. You have that desire for a reason. Most people never achieve their dreams as far as doing what they want to do. I think that all of these people have missed out on their “calling” (if you want to call it a calling).
I do however, think that some people are given clear callings to do something… and sometimes they may not want to do it right away. These are specific instances though, and do not apply to everyone. Some are given clear callings to be pastors, and these callings should not be ignored.
Expect another post tomorrow (or later today, depending on how you look at it… at any rate, sometime after I wkae up tomorrow morning).
Jason, I agree with you often, and a lot on this. There are a few things I have further thoughts on, however.
Personally, I don’t think the term “calling” has to apply to every vocation out there–God can have a use for you in several possible vocations, but He also may call you to ONE. I’m in youth ministry because I feel called there, not because it’s what I desire to do most. It’s really hard! Without Christ, I know I couldn’t do it, and moreover, without His calling, I wouldn’t want to try to be in charge of such a challenging ministry. But because He wants me here, I trust that He knows what He’s doing, and (thankfully, by His grace and power) I’m seeing some great changes come about in the lives of these kids.
I also think people can miss their calling and still do fine. After all, God has a “perfect will,” but also a “permissive will” that allows for us to make mistakes or to end up in places that may not be the absolute best, but aren’t necessarily bad either. If I am called to youth ministry but instead decide to do only music, or even if I end up working in a sales job, I don’t think that means God throws up His hands and says, “Good grief will you just go where I want you to go? What am I gonna do now?!?” I think instead He gives us opportunities to use whatever position we are in to serve Him and further His kingdom.
As for the whole “who am I supposed to marry/be with” debate, I have been around the block on that one more than a few times, and God has blessed me with a wonderful wife (who, more than likely, I would not have been interested in if He hadn’t bonked me on the head)! My take on it is this: There are a handful of people that you are compatible with for life–it’s up to you to be faithful in the relationships God sends your way, and to give those relationships to Him, if you want them to work out correctly. Then and only then will He point you toward that special someone and give you the “green light.”
I do think God puts desires in our heart that line up with the talents He has given us, and can often point us in the direction of the vocation He could most use us in. Does that mean if you miss it, you’re useless to Him? Of course not. But there is a level of seriousness associated with a true “calling” that should not be ignored. God has many times called ordinary people to do extraordinary things that they could not have done unless they first said yes to Him, and then trusted that He could do what they could not.
Just my 2 cents. Thanks, man for some great posts!
1Thessalonians 4:11-12 “Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.”
My job is only to make the most of everyday, regardless of where I am. I know as long as my eyes are on God, He will lead me where He wants me.