All right, it’s time to divulge everyone’s secrets…. this’ll teach you to take quizzes online.
I guess we’ll start with crushes….
Let’s see, our first contestant was Rachel, who apparently…
Ok I’m not actually going to tell you anybody’s crushes…
because well… that would be mean. I wouldn’t like it if
you told everyone my crushes… I mean… especially I’m
not going to tell the embarrassing crushes. Like no way would I
tell you that Rachel has a crush on William Shatner. Or that
Holly has a crush on Jerry Lewis. Yes, it’s true.
Anyway, you can rest assured that your secrets are safe with me… or
well, at least, I won’t tell you who answered what… but there
are some interesting consistencies.
Less then 7 times a week or never are the answers of choice for
masturbation, and it seems to be pretty evenly distributed between guys
and girls.
Of interesting note is that most girls who answered less then 7 times
said no to porn sites/movies, while one girl who said never said yes to
porn sites/movies.
With guys it was always either both or neither.
Interestingly, all but ONE person (whether male or female) prefer a
fair complexion to a tan complexion. So if you are like me and
can’t tan you might want to try hunting down some of these individuals.
2 of the five females said that they have been attracted to a member of the same sex. No guys were.
I guess that’s pretty much it. That’s what I learned today.
By the way, I’m not sure if Rachel really has a crush on William
Shatner, but if she’s listened to his cd, I don’t see how she could not.
Jerry Lewis is hott…but it’s funny, that’s not who I wrote on the quiz. 😉
lol. William Shatner! ah yes… me and Willy, I call him.
I wouldn’t have cared if you’d told mine; he doesn’t know I have a blog.
I think it’s far funnier to think of William Shatner though. And the other statistics are interesting… to say the least. lol