So I’m at the beach now.  That means I probably won’t make many updates to this this week, as I’ll be doing other stuff…. but it’s possible I may feel exceptionally inspired and want to write something, so you never know.

Anyway, to anyone back home who is reading this… and who thought they were going to see me again before I left… ummm… sorry.  I didn’t really say bye to anybody… wasn’t really intentional, it just sort of happened that way.  And I am in fact bummed that I had to miss the Zao show.  Hope you guys went and had a cool time, tho.  And anyway, since I didn’t say bye there… umm.. bye 🙂  I’ll catch ya around fall break, hopefully.

The beach so far has been pretty cool… if slightly boring.  Hence the reason why I wish I could have found a friend to have come along….  would have someone more interested in doing stuff I enjoy doing ;).

Anyway, here’s another song…  which… like the last song…  I enjoy a lot… (as a side note… the songs I enjoy a lot are ones i can identify with..)

“I tried again I fell again to find out for myself
It hurts for a life time
Your picture rests there for a lifetime
And for a lifetime I will dream of you
I prepare a mantle inside of my heart
With your photograph to soothe the scars
Unable to be erased unable to be forgotten
As I grow older I will dream.”

-“The Dreams That Don’t Come True,” by Zao

8 thoughts on “”

  1. You should ask Heather or Vicki or Jon about their trip 🙂  hahahahahahhaahahahahhahahahah *pause* hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    you’ll enjoy it.  perhaps heather will talk about it on her xanga site.


  2. yeah, i talked about it.  and how you are such a BUM for not even taking one minute to call me to tell me you were leaving!!!  All morning we tried to get a hold of you- I even tried calling your dad’s cell phone but he didnt’ answer it.  Jon drove by your house twice. 

    Tonight we are definitely going to the PA show. I called to confirm already. No Dead Poetic but at least Zao.  We have a good crew going. Some have never seen Zao in concert so I’m excited to see their reactions. (Andrew, Nathan, Ahdazsa, Vicki)  I see you’ve had a lot of action on your site.  I wish I had more time to be on here and be part of it.
    Enjoy your vacation and be safe driving to school.

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