So I’ve been slacking on my site.  So what?!  what are YOU gonna do about it?! 😉

Yeah, I dunno why I haven’t updated.  I have had time to, I just haven’t.  Oh well.  It’s not like it’s actually important in any way…  I think all you 7 people who read this can go a few days without reading anything I have to say.

So the last couple of hours I have been playing The Sims…  no, I am not addicted to the game, I actually don’t think it’s all that much fun… after a few hours it’s actually just plain boring… but anyway… to the point…  how much easier would it be if when you interacted with people, etc, if they had the little “+’s” and “-‘s” over their heads…. that would help out a lot I think….  and the hearts and so forth.  We could just get around all the guesswork and uncertainty 😉  and plus people wouldn’t make incorrect assumptions (really people…  it’s not hard to make CORRECT assumptions…  at least, when it’s in regards to other people, and not yourself…  I mean, I have a flawless record ;))  Anyway though…  it seems like I have to be really careful with what I say or do to keep other people from thinking there is something more then there is.  Of course, in many cases I can just tell them no, they’re wrong.. but.. *shrugs*.  This isn’t really a huge problem I’m having right now or anything…  just…  some stuff has happened in the last day or so that brought it to mind.

Anyway, this is our first long weekend… hopefully I’ll get to go to the beach….  I like beaches.  They are what makes florida wonderful.

I also have randomly become moderately sick…  and the last 2 days it has rained and kept me from running.  Stupid Florida weather.

I know this was choppy.. but umm.. i’m tired, so, you can get over it 🙂

Have a great day.


5 thoughts on “”

  1. My dad is obsessed with Sims. I don’t see the fun in it either, but you’re right..the world would be easier that way.


    p.s. i like reading what you have to say

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