Ok, so monday night I did not sleep AT ALL (not by choice, I tried sleeping after making my post, and could not). And so yesterday was kind of rough. Trying to stay awake and alert during times I needed to be… and trying to get in a little bit of sleep when I could.
So yeah… lack of sleep = not good.
I don’t even know why I’m posting this… I have absolutely nothing of value to say at the moment 😉
oh, and I was just listening to this song again for the first time in awhile earlier… and I have decided that it is brilliant…
“Blessed is the man who does prevail
Doomed are the peacemakers when they fail
If hope springs eternal, it never does here
I guess I lost all my hope last year
I tried to steal the moon from the sky…
I am lost and lonely, adrift in space
My dreams are haunted by your face
Many years ago on this day
The earth moved away as I stayed in place
And I’m still waiting…
Binary star
I love you more by far
Than this whole world of things untrue
If only I could say I love you
Blessed are the meek, they shall inherit
The right to stumble and to fall and perish
Blessed are the drifters, the stars that die
Whose light expires before goodbye
I tried to steal the moon from the sky…
They break like waves on the shore
And still these words mean nothing more
And in the dark I climb the slope
The bravest thing of all is always hope
And I’m still waiting…
Binary star
I love you more by far
Than anything in this world untrue
If only I could say I love you
Binary star
I love you more by far
Than all the things of this world untrue
If only I could say I love you
If only I could say I love you
If only I could say I love you “
-“Binary,” by Brave Saint Saturn
Hey man, I can relate. Lack of sleep = lack of concentration = lack of productivity = lack of usefulness for me!
Btw, come over and check out the latest “book” I’ve written if you get a chance.
Thanks man! Have a great day!
`Lo 🙂
Scuse me for just dropping in – I wanted to applaud your fabulous comments on malcontent‘s latest blog.
Excellent stuff.
once again – snazzy choice of lyrics 🙂
Hmmm…. Well, I will just responfd top your response of my response to your response from my response. lol
Well, my point is, I don’t really wish to debate this further (Unless you wish to) with you. I am just going to respond to your comment.
“There are many scientists who would support this theory, and they seem to believe that the effects of it were a universal global climate, not a greenhouse effect.”
There might be “many” scientist who support this, but keep in mind that “many” is very differennt than “most”. The scientists you speak of are probably Creation Scientists (Which involves a whole hell of alot of speculation and goes against some core Judeo-Christian beliefs). The vast majority of scientists would not accept that theory.
“The point is that God included Adam in His work… that man was a companion of God and not a slave to God. You wouldn’t have a slave name your creations.”
Well, say you were up to the task of naming the billions of creatures. I’m sure after the first billion you’d pass the job to an “Employee”. But oh yeah, no time. Hmmmm……. I don’t know what to make of this…..
“Neither I, nor the bible, ever said that all snakes would eat would be dust. Simply that they would eat dust. Your making that the ONLY thing they eat is your own error of interpretation.”
Perhaps you misunderstood me, I didn’t say you said that the only thing they eat is dust. Your saying that since snakes tend to live in dusty areas, then dust particles would get get in the mouth. Just because something gets in your stomache, doesn’t mean your “eating” it. “Eating” involves getting nutrition from something. Sankes don’t get nutrition from dust.
“Now, this is speculation, but, it makes sense.”
Yes, it is pure speculation. And it doesn’t make very much sense. If it was just “according” to Hebrew tradition, then it wouldn’t exactly be “inspired by God”, now wouldn’t it? Also, the Bible didn’t seem to not mention other females.
“I also think ancient cultures knew a LITTLe more then you give them credit for. I think they would recognize the difference between a local flood and a wide-scale flood. Certainly they had no idea how big the world actually was, but I don’t think they would confuse their river flooding with the whole world flooding.”
I’m not saying that just thier river flooded, but like the region could of flooded. This is much more likely than a worldwide flood around the time other cultures were flourishing.
Eh, well, Buddha Bless You
OK, that wasn’t my point about the scientists, I could also say, in reverse, that most Christians think they must be right becasue they are in the majority.Â
Majority wasn’t what I was meaning.
“…you know, geocentrism, the earth being flat, all that stuff. It doesn’t matter what the majority of people believe,..”
I’m sorry, but there were no “scientists” back then. Science was suppressed by the Church back then. No man of science thought the world was flat, it was the Christian Church that perpetuated that belief.
Well, Buddha is dead and so is Jesus. If Jesus existed, and he did what he supposedly did. Then he was a good person, deranged, but good.
I know how the lack of sleep is. I think it’s catching up to me. I went to bed early last night because I didn’t feel so good. I’m feeling fine now though!
those are truly awesome lyrics.