I am really tired, so this is going to be a pretty short post.

To answer all the questions in regard to why Chad was dousing our door with lighter fluid….  there was this thing stuck to our door…  one of those dry erase board things…  the room check guy yelled at us for having it up there, so we had to take it down.  There was nasty sticky stuff left on it tho.  Chad decided to use a flame to heat it up to get it off… but it ended up turning the door black a bit… so he used lighter fluid to try to clean it off (it worked pretty well actually, though there is still some blackness there).  So there you have it, a reasonable explanation for dousing a door with lighter fluid.

I would like to thank Jon and Heather and whoever else posted and actually at least MENTIONED the thing which I specifically asked you all to comment on.  And no thanks to the rest of you.  Jerks. 😉  (J/K, of course ;))

Seeing as I am tired and would enjoy sleeping MUCH more then doing anything which requires being awake…  I will leave you with a song… a wonderful song about the inherent evils of the female gender.

“You know that kind of girl
That makes your heart beat all fast?
You know that kind of love
That you know will last?
I knew that kind of girl
I knew that kind of love
But then she broke it off
When I was so sure of her

Don’t trust that girl
She’s up to no good
She’ll mess with you
Like no one should

Empty promises thrown into the wind
Mirage vanishes, never to see again
Hey fellas, be you ware
Don’t wanna end up like me
Another victim of her stupid female schemes

And so the time moves on
With feelings come and gone
And Christ is the One constant I can lean on
So now I am left here
Feeling like a schmuck
With one thought on my mind: “She’s no good!””

-“Don’t Trust That Girl,” by Ace Troubleshooter

8 thoughts on “”

  1. I am. Well… not like… evil or anything… I don’t play with hearts or anything or play those… woman games… *Ugh… why are we so stupid sometimes????* But… I see it alot. And I can understand where guys can say… Wow… All girls are… evil…

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