So the canadian thing has sparked an interest, eh?
Ok, if you all want to know more about that I can let you know.
Why would I want there to be a system in which Canadian girls marry American guys? Well, we will start with the most incredibly basic reason there is: Canadian girls are stinking hot! It seems that this is a characteristic inherited by all candian girls. They are, by definition, hot. Or at least, that is how it appears to me at the present time…
Now, the thing you might be worried about is the craziness which also seems inherent in Canadians. Now, you can put yourself at ease, because the crazy gene does not effect canadian girls NEARLY as much as it effects the Canadian guys. So therefore, while the Candian girl may seem slightly odd at first, you will soon come to love her slight craziness. However, it is for this reason that I reccomend to all AMERICAN girls… don’t marry a Canadian guy! Their craziness is in no way slight and… well.. it’s just plain not a good idea. You’ll have to stick with the American guys who can’t find themselves a Canadian.
My only other reason for wanting this system is mostly just because… well.. I just generally enjoy Canadian girls. Especially the ones who I can make fun of for being Canadian and then they in return make fun of me for being American. It is a wonderful experience and brings me much joy.
So in short… if you are a Canadian girl, and want to marry someone… please let me know (just leave a comment on this post).. I’ll be sure to get in contact with you as soon as possible to set a date.
Ok ok ok… so, american guys get to have canadian girls. But, american gals should stay away from the canadian guys. And the american gals should marry the american guys who dont get to have canadian women. So, basically, the american girls get a guy who is settling for something he didnt really want.
God, this reminds me of high school, only now the canadian chicks are the cheerleaders and the american chicks are the debaters. *sighs* somethings never change I guess. Im moving to Scotland, thats where all the REAL men are.
Schottische wirkliche Männer? Deutsch sind wirkliche Männer. Wenigstens tragen sie gespielte Röcke nicht.
Damn Straight Canadian Girls ROCK.
Boo Yah!
*cough* erm.. yeah.
Ok, I am available! Where do I sign?
Oh Canada!
Our home and native land
True patriot love
In all our son’s command
With glowing hearts
We see thee rise
The true north stong and free
From far and wide, Oh Canada,
We stand on guard for thee!
God, keep our land
Glorious and free
Oh Canada we stand on guard for thee!
Oh Canada we stand on guard for thee!
I also know it in french
Ok, i’ve been thinking about this… and wouldnt it stand to reason that the reason that american gals lack the hotness that canadian girls have is because of centuries of breeding with american men? So, if you all trappes up there and get yourself a canadian woman, you have you have little halflings with her, pretty soon, like with the american gals, all of the hottness will be bred out. So… there ya go.
rofl…. i crack myself up.
no, the hotness gene is in the canadian females… the crazy gene is in the canadian males. Therefore, if you remove them from the equation, rather then having not-as-hot half-canadians… you would have a SUPER race… 😉 both hot and not even slightly crazy 😉
But how do you think the canadian girls got super hot without the canadian males? perhaps you would mess up the whole thing by marrying a canadian? think about that one?
But uhh… yeah… i have met some hot canadian girls tho.
hey, even if I’m wrong, and the offspring of a Canadian girl and an American guy AREN’T hot…. the point of this is…. I get a hot Canadian girl! And that, as we all know, is what matters 😉
i object to this post & the rant that follows. Queenie is the only one who knows anything. that is all.
but canadin girls are practically french.. and we all know thats just wrong