Darn it. I hate it when 8 a.m. classes are cancelled and I don’t find out about it until I wake up and go to the stinking class. I could have slept another whole hour, but am now unable to, because I have chapel at 9 and sleeping at this point is pointless.
Oh well. So… yes Heather, Jon is in fact here. He is sleeping on the floor just behind me as I type this in fact. The jerk. How dare he sleep when I cannot. He should have to go to chapel too.
There’s a lot of stuff I would write about, but can’t, due to people who read this…. The list of things I can’t write about seems to grow more and more every day 🙂 Oh well. A shame I have to worry about how the things I say make people feel… would be much easier if I didn’t ;). Ah well.
Maybe one of these days I’ll have a post worth reading again.
[Edit 1: Ok, so go figure… I don’t say I’ll add more later and I do…. 😉 This week is convocation at chapel… and… to put it simply…. this morning’s service was awesome. I am looking forward to the next one. So yeah… I am just really happy about that right now and thought I would share it with you. ;)]
Oh, and this song by Project 86 is really cool… and Mark Saloman is awesome ;):
“I am lost inside your lair
And allowed you to lure me here
You promised immortality
I’ve become your newest meat
And I am ripe for the feast
Now I am dripping from their mouths
As they say to me:
/’We’ll eat what’s left of you before we’re through’/
The lust for blood within reach
We’ve woken under your feet
No longer
Frightened by these vampires
This situation is clear
No longer clouded by fear
Like cornered dogs we’ll turn and
Bite the hand that feeds but does not kill
/’We’ll eat what’s left of you before we’re through.’/
Sleep and dream
Hiding from the day
Pay no mind to shapes that wind
Around you where you lay there will be time for waking
There will be time for taking
But who?
But you-
Parasites come in many shapes
And you forgot that we have teeth too
While you were feeding off our blood we
Became one of you
There is something coming that you forgot my friend
The very beast that you createis the one who’ll slay you in the end
You thought I’d go down easy
But now you’re coming
With me
With me
With me
You’ll burn with me
You’ll never take us alive.”
-“Last Meal,” by Project 86
yay for Jon. yay for an awesome chapel service. i pray God does unbelievable things in you. i know what you mean about wanting to write things but not feeling like you are able to. but that’s the joy of having a ‘secret’ xanga identity.
ok only one prop for refering to baldy from Stavesacre as “Mark Saloman”
I think it’s great that I had to get up early and so did you. MUAHAHA *pointsatyou*
the buttcrack’o’dawn is MARVELOUS isnt it dahling? *accent*
I did so mosh.
in my own self made pit…far far away from the communal one in front of the stage.
and I was kinda bouncing more than moshing actually…but thats only if you want to get technical about things. 😛
*lol* I’m glad you had an awesometime at the whole…. convocation. The one at whitworth was always friggin boring… And everyone was required to come… *bleahhh* Long speaches and people dressed up in silly robes and hats. Oy. Something should be done…
Project 86 kicks dirt!!!
*poke poke*
Hey… I know you. You’re that guy… with the things, that do the stuff. You know! That one that’s in that place with those people?!
I knew I knew you.