I am going home for about a week.  I will probably not post at all while I am there, as I do not believe I will have access to a computer at my house.  Leave many comments on this post and my last post.  and stuff like that.

Stavesacre’s new cd is really cool.  Go buy it.  And remember, it is SUPPOSED to cost $13… therefore, refuse to pay more then $14 for it.  Don’t support greedy idiocy.

And now for a really cool song:

couples gather on the street
no way they notice me
but i watch them walk together
and it reminds me
of nights when everyone was gone
and i ended up alone
nights that were unsafe to hope for anything

lately i have noticed that so much
is not what i imagined it’d be.
when the harder times come calling on us
we’ll know if we’re gonna need

don’t promise me
say yes
say no or yes
but don’t promise

for all the reasons not to try
i can’t forget the times
i swore that if i finally knew
the answers to my prayers those nights
when it came time to decide i’d just know
and i would be ready

lately i have noticed that so much
is not what i’d imagined it’d be
when the harder times come calling on us
we’ll know if we’re gonna need.”

-“Yes,” by Stavesacre

7 thoughts on “”

  1. So you request that I comment on your site. This is fair since you comment on mine practically every time I post. But I must say that it is rather unfair to request that I post a comment on a topic that I really should stay away from in an effort to save myself from further Canadian ridicule. Hence, while I would enjoy posting riviting comments on your site, I am not sure it is wise to do so until you choose to comment on a topic that is safe for me to reply to. Thus, I will refrain from any direct theories on your post unless asked for my specific and admitedly Canadian point of view. Happy trails this weekend, I am sure we will see each other soon… :o)

  2. I GET TO SEE YOU TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    why is is only ‘supposed’ to be $13? not that i have a prblm with that, but i’m just curious. i can’t wait to hear it.

  3. Pretty well any product you see in a store has a “suggested retail price,” this price is derived based on what the manufacturer of the product has priced the product for the reseller to buy it from them, and to allow the reseller to make a profit off of it, while keeping the price fair for consumers.  In most areas, these prices stay relatively close to what the SRP is… in music, many stores feel the need to rip people off, and unfortunately, Christian bookstores are notorious for it.  Note on Project 86’s website, they say to NOT buy their new album for any more then 11.99.  I saw it “on sale” at Family Christian bookstore for $15.  They were also selling the Stavesacre cd for $18.  Apparently when something is on sale there, they only mark it up $3, instead of $5.  That is why.

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