Tonight ends my extended summer. I guess it’s about time for that
to end. Tomorrow I start my temp job… which will hopefully go
until mid-december…. I would be pleased with that. I am
pretty much looking forward to it… but, I am sure I will miss
free time, even though right now I am sick of free time. I wish I
could experience a happy medium. 😉 Ah well. So this will
be my first time working without knowing that I will be able to stop
really working and return to school in a few months…. so that
will be different.
Interestingly, I am somewhat tired and it is only 9:30. I don’t
want to go to sleep yet, so hopefully I won’t get a second wind before
11 to midnight…
Oh yeah, if you ever lose the remote to your tv… don’t wait months to
buy a new remote. You can get a nice universal remote for like $8
at walmart…. and you won’t believe how happy it will make you
to have a remote again. Well…. it might actually
only make you really happy if you’ve gone months without one…..
oh well. Do what you want.
I am buying a remote today. wow!
only losers lose their remotes