I just went to Taco Bell. There was a sign on the window, which I read. This is what I read:
“Think our food is terrible? Take a look at our jobs!”
I proceeded to laugh for quite some time. Then, upon closer inspection, I learned that it actually read “Terrific” and not “Terrible”. But you know…. it was dark… all I could see was the “Terri”… and you know.. those words are interchangable anyway.
Anyhoo, I also watched Fiddler on the Roof today. For the ummm.. first time in a long time. In fact, the only scene I remembered from the last time I saw it, oddly enough, is when Motel (sp?) finally gets his sewing machine. But yeah… I liked it a lot, and all throughout today I have had various songs from it stuck in my head. My official opinion is: Not my favorite musical ever, as seems to be popular opinion… but it’s definately up there… it may be second best… as to what my favorite is…. I will leave that unsaid. Feel free to guess, and if you are right… I guess I will tell you so 😉
Also went to the Shabes’ house earlier… was fun. Had been quite awhile since I’d seen them. Tomorrow is church… and hopefully will hang out with Andrew… so.. yeah. Need to go to sleep now. Have a great remainder of the weekend!
Ahh good old fiddler on the roof. Tis a wonderful play. yey.
perhaps…. My Fair Lady??
I’m going to post on this, simply because I love the Taco Bell statement. That’s just darb