So I logged into blackboard today…  and clicked on systematic theology… and i noticed “hey, our final grades are posted”… i proceeded to check to find out what I got…..  and….  97 on my final exam…. which gives me an… A in the class as my final grade.  I was very happy about that.

Tonight is Fellowship of the Ring night… probably here, at my house, although it would be better to do it elsewhere.  Tomorrow is The Two Towers at the movie theater… (midnight showing, of course).

Anyway, yes, I am still immesely depressed about Five Iron breaking up.  If you want to join me in flying out to Denver, Colorado mid-november 2003…. be sure to let me know.  I WILL be at their last show… nothing but death can stop me 😉

9 thoughts on “”

  1. two towers huh. I guess I’m more of a book nerd… Where as it makes me happy to see some great lit going mainstream… It also saddens me that people are just going to see the moive then read the book. *sighs* And YEY for your A. You rock. Even if you are a vegen.

  2. Nooo….FIF, breaking up?! Horrible. But God bless them and their decision. Hope to see one of their final shows as well. 2 eProps for the announcement.


    P.S. Free the West Memphis Three.

  3. This has nothing to do with your web entry. It is thursday night and a little before 6 your time. give me your home number if you read this. i can talk now.

  4. about FIF… yea, I mean it’s sad – but how much did their music career as a group rock?  I think its time… they were wonderful and oh oh oh so much fun, and they’ll live on forever like that in the music they made and the memories from so many great shows.  hope you make it out to the last show!  🙂  rocket!


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