Sometimes people of the male gender annoy the crap out of me. that combined with my lack of sleep from sporadic insomnia which causes me to be annoyed at pretty much everyone that I am around for longer then like 2 minutes. oh well. anyway, if you are a female friend of mine, just promise me you will never date a guy ever. they are stupid. bye.
“Now that we’re one now
Softly whispers saving grace
6:19 as I wait
And stronger last year
My eyes close
Stars can see me
Stars will meet me
On the ground
On the ground
Summer’s gone
And winter is never to far now
And my poor heart
I’m spread so long that my bones are now breaking within
You come with a smile that’d send any man to his knees
And I feel I’ll be gone now that we’re one now.
You graciously had to
I graciously had you
To my home.
To my home.
Summer’s gone
And winter is never to far now
And my poor heart
I’m spread so long that my bones are now breaking within
You come with a smile that’d send any man to his knees
And I feel I’ll be gone now that we’re one now.”
-“On Legendary,” by Further Seems Forever
So it’s ok to be a lesbian?
while i agree that males are stupid and need to learn control…. well, i kinda was looking forward to having me a fella to call my own one day. *disappointment*
does our chris count as one? how ’bout jason from FSF?