So how about this for something you hate:
You spend like… 15, 20 minutes, writing this really long e-mail to somebody just because it’s like.. hey, they’re pretty cool… they’re worth taking 15 or 20 minutes to write to…. and you’re all thinking they’re going to be all “hey, that’s pretty cool that i got a letter from this guy”, and you send it, and then you go to sleep all like that and being like, i hope maybe they write back soon, maybe, if they feel like it. and then the next day when you check your e-mail it’s all like “getting new messages” and you’re all, “wow, cool, that really cool person wrote me back already! they must think i’m pretty cool too to write back that fast!” but then, the from line is all “mail demon guy” and the demon wrote about how that really cool person didn’t get your e-mail because he stole it from them just because their e-mail box was full, and then you’re all, man, this sucks. i hate getting e-mail from demons.
the end.
“the poison makes it’s way through my body slowly
to the pleasure centers of my brain
if you were here I would beg for your forgiveness
but now it’s over and i can’t stay sober
though it isn’t like i’ve tried
on the front porch or on an airplane on vaction
or for dinner in a nearby down
I was so proud just to have you sitting with me
but now it’s over and i can’t stay sober
pour and swallow follow one shot with another
i’ll keep on till you agree to come back over
or untill there are x’s on my eyes
my old man always swore that hell would have no flame
just a front row seat to watch your true love pack her things
and drive away”
-“The Poison Makes,” by Paperback (or Pedro the Lion… same difference)
i hate that. the mailer demon guy sucks.
haha, I was just writing about the xanga demon dude…and it erased my comment when it ‘posted’…argh! so there are many forms of the error demons =} I’m sorry you were a victim. =}
haha that mailer demon thing kind of sucks. you should write me a super cool letter and i wont let the mailer demon steal it.
i hate when i write long entries on here and my computer shuts down!
was the letter saved so u can send it at another time?
yeah, demons aren’t very nice. i don’t think it’s in their job description
of course i was at fif– i was soo sick but wouldn’t have missed it for the world
Yeah and its so funny that its called the mailer demon of all things. I think its a very fitting name, don’t you?
never heard of a mailer demon? but i totally dig that poem or song or what ever it was where can I find it?
I hope your recent silence is not from feeling offended I try not to make things personal in my debats infact I thought we were just starting to have fun! Anyway you always keep me on my toes, I hope you will continue to diolauge with me.
Peace in Christ