Ah Xanga, How I Have Neglected Thee….

So wow… it’s been a bit of a while since I last used Xanga….  I guess when I was sick I made a post… but.. before then it had been awhile too… I dunno… not much to talk about I guess… most of my time is spent either working or watching movies/tv, really….  and then the gym 3-4 nights a week.

Recently I started playing some games more….  mostly on the weekend…  I finally got around to beating Paper Mario, which I hadn’t played since I started working at my current job.  And then today I picked up The Wind Waker… which is ok so far, not great, not bad… but i’m not very far into it… so…  it could be better… or worse… then i currently think it is.

Unfortunately I am very tired right now, so I am unable to play it despite rather wanting to.

The other thing I have been wanting to do is read…. I keep finding books that I want to read during my and Holly’s frequent trips to Borders…. and I buy them….. and then I never get a chance to read them, because of all the other things I mentioned….  but I have been reading at least a little bit every night the last week or so….  if I am exceptionally tired and the chapter is long I try to get through at least half of the chapter ;).

Work is the same…..  boring…  not terrible, but I’m kinda done with it, and I’m really starting to look for a new job now.  I sent a resume in to Bethesda Softworks for a QA Tester Internship they have on their website… not really sure what it pays, but, it’s 2 months, temporary, and I think it’s one of those deals where if you do well, at the end of the 2 months they’ll hire you on in a permanent position…  which would be my whole point for doing it.  It will be different when/if I start that and/or when/if Holly starts at Borders…. because we are used to having the same schedule and so other then before she started working her first couple weeks here, neither of us has been off work when the other was at work….  so…  I guess we’ll have more time apart….   which could be a good thing, though, when you enjoy being around someone you of course don’t look forward to not being able to spend as much time with them.

Anyway, I’m done here for now.

I think I’m going to try to start posting here regularly again…..  but we’ll see.

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