I finally got a decent amount of sleep last night. While I am still slightly tired, Compared to how tired I was yesterday, it is absolutely nothing, and so it is quite a good thing.

Chapel also was short today, which is good because for some reason it was also boring today. Go figure.

Oh, and you know that thing where somebody makes the little ircle with their hand and tries to make you look at it and if you do they punch you in the arm? Yeah… I’m physically incapable of not looking. Even if I am well aware of what they are doing, I still feel compelled to look and cannot do away with the need to look. Stupid Craig.

All right. I’m done.

4 thoughts on “”

  1. hahahaha!! AWESOME craig! now i have found something to do to you when you come home


    and hello to the evil-looking-creepy-psycho-killer-dude in the profile picture. oh wait. that’s you.

  2. hey jason, look! *makes circle with hand*

    *pokes you in the stomach*

    YOU: “stop it!”

    ME: “make me!” 

    *makes circle with hand*

    *pokes you in the stomach*




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