Why is it that people of the female gender always feel the need to tell me they are going to do something and then not do it? I mean, couldn’t they just… not tell me, and then do it? or not do it. I mean, at least then i would not be thinking they are going to.
note: this is a comment directed towards many females, and no certain one in paticular, so please don’t feel singled out if you feel it applies to you 😉
Dude. The facial hair and look makes you look evil. Is your roommate in there with you or something?
And girls are evil. Spawn from Hell. Evilevilevilevilevil.
hey. i’m pretty good at not telling you i’ll do anything at all. that way if i do something you can’t figure out what the heck i’m doing. not that you can figure out what i’m doing even if i do tell you, because nobody can make much sense of it. see. even now. you are asking yourself ‘what the heck?’. and God said it is good.