So last night I had a really bizzare dream. The strange thing is that I also remember it really, really well. As you might be able to tell from the title of this post, it was about zombies… kind of sort of. They were zombie like, I guess, but not entirely how I expect zombies to be, so they are kind of a random creation of my subconcious.
At any rate, my dream took place in the area here, with some differences. For example, mine and Elliot’s houses were in basically the same place in the dream as they are in actuality (for anyone who may not be aware of that setup, basically a short walk through a wooded area to the other house). There were plenty of differences though… my house was kind of surrounded by a museum… campus.. type thing. Like there were lots of paintings and such. Also, the woods were like REAL woods. And no other houses or anything like that.
So anyway, as to how the whole zombie infection thing got started I’m not really sure… I believe that the dream just started with that being the situation. The first thing I remember is all of us being together in my house and us being attacked. By “us” I mean many people that I know in actuality (you know how it is, in the dream I knew all of them, but thinking back on it now I have no idea who some of the people were supposed to be.)
Now, as to what made the zombies different from “normal” zombies. These zombies weren’t particularly mindless. They had sort of a singular purpose as zombies do, but they tended to be able to figure things out. And they were able to make unified efforts. They may have eventually become mindless though, given the time…. because another difference was that there was not an immediate and/or sudden change. Typically, when one is bitten by a zombie, they become a zombie, complete with mindlessness, pretty rapidly. There is no questionable stage… when they are a zombie, you know it. Not so with these ones. After the attack, where we had lost a few people, there was another who, though we did not know it, was also infected. It was a guy, but I can’t say I knew who the guy was Anyway, basically, he was a zombie at this point, and he knew it, but at this point there was no physical difference, and he acted basically like a normal human. He took this girl away from the rest of the group under the pretense of going for a walk or something like that. Upon being alone, the girl sort of figured it out because he was acting a little strange, but it was too late for her. However, we did find out what had happened, and that was basically when we learned that about them.
Later on in the dream, we all left the area to go do something… I can’t remember what exactly, but when we got back this girl was there who hadn’t been there before, but that we were expecting. It turned out she had been there overnight while we were gone. She assured us that it had been a quiet night, and things kind of went along as normal until the next day. Once again, she led another girl away from the group. They were sort of in the area that is elliot’s backyard… but a ways back. They were talking about the paintings and such in the art museum, and the new girl was saying how she had been looking at them. Eventually she said “you know, I saw the artist that painted that last night”. Which you know, clearly, that artist was dead and known to be among the zombies. So the other girl started to freak out and ran. She came across myself as I was headed up to Elliot’s, and upon realizing what was going on, I ran with her up to Elliot’s… which, btw, had sort of a bunker out in front of his house. We ran in there with the zombie right behind. I had a gun (basically just a pistol) that I turned to shoot the zombie girl with. but it was empty and didn’t go off when I pulled the trigger. Which sucked. So at that point we thought we were going to die. Then, the only other specific person that I can remember doing a specific thing… Elliot and 2 other people came up behind the zombie. Elliot had a really cool shotgun which fired 2 shots pretty rapidly, one in the torso and one in the head. Which killed the zombie. And… that’s pretty much when I woke up.
I had to write about that though… because well… it was a pretty cool dream.
yeah it was cool. i rocked that zombie. and don’t you other zombies forget it. boo ya.
how am I not myself- Ha! one of my favorite movies ever 🙂 Welcome back to xanga world, where ya been?
It took me a long time before things were heading that way for me either. Hope it works out for you sometime soon. Take Care 🙂
elliot is a zombie killa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
too bad i wasn’t a zombie girl. that would have been awesome.
and my face in the picture reminds me of some kind of cartoon figure too but I have been unable to figure it out.