so once again, sorry about my previous post if you are on a dialup connection 😉 i’m sure it will be annoying for you. oh well 😉
tonight i went to see Blindside and mewithoutYou. However, The Kick (not to be confused with The Kicks, who were at the FSF show) were pretty decent. Now, the opening band, Namur, was freaking awesome 🙂 I bought their cd. It is very ambient and cool. I like it.
All in all it was a good show, I thoroughly enjoyed mewithoutYou. Unfortunately, I was way dehydrated and right before Blindside started I was about to pass out, so I had to hang out by the bar and drink water for awhile until I could see things normally again and not feel like i wanted to fall over ;). But, I had a good view from where I was and was content, though the crowd did look fun 😉
anyway, on the drive back up Sunset Blvd we saw a guy walking down the street holding an Emmy, but we didn’t have a good view of him, and so we couldn’t tell who he was. We saw Tom Green though… walking with some other people. There may have been other famous people too.. but he was the one we recognized. So uhh.. yeah. Tom Green. That’s kinda special. In a way.
Ok bye.
you’re special.
special ed.
yes, i approve. they meet the required deadline. Next deadline: October 12th. (that gives you 3 weeks!)
I thought Namur was really good too 🙂 and I bought the kick cd for Mike because hes like that punkie sorta type… I didnt get heat exhustion but I did get really nasty and wet from OTHER PEOPLES SWEAT yuck…
Tom Green wow you are cool 😛
It’s not fair that you get to see so many great bands and I don’t. And, since I didn’t post comments on your last posts before your wrote new ones : I think you’re cool even without knowing that you’ve seen jim karmeron’s office (whoever that is), and I don’t know if you know this or not, but there a picture of people kissing in your last post, and that offends me.