The Grudge was kinda lame.  I didn’t like it very much.  Stick with watching I Heart Huckabees.

Daylight savings sucks.  sure, i get an extra hour of sleep… but
at what cost?  starting tomorrow, it will begin getting dark at
5:30!  And continue this for some months to come.  That sucks.


5 thoughts on “”

  1. Hawaii doesn’t have to deal with the daylight savings stuff…but since I’m here, this will be a change for me…and I know part of what to expect (it will begin begin getting dark at 5:30)…aww great…that does suck. but thanks for the warning! I would’ve forgoten and therefore be very off with the time.

  2. actually, jason, today is the end of daylight savings time. you don’t have to put up with darkness at 5:30 because of daylight savings. in actuality, until today, you got an extra hour of light in the evening because of dayslight savings. so stick that in you pipe and smoke it 🙂

    (p.s. daylight savings sucks anyway)

  3. yeah, its always pretty crappy to go back to ‘normal’ time.  what’s with that anyway?  why can’t we just decide to permantly BE on daylight savings?  i mean com’on… what american doesn’t like to save daylight. Right?

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