Today is my last day in LA (tomorrow doesn’t count because all I’m
doing is waking up, eating breakfast, taking the rental car back, and
going to the airport.)

I went and visited a school I am considering going to once I am done at
Southeastern.  It is generically named, LA Film School.  It
looks pretty impressive.  I was able to talk to the admissions
advisor they assigned to me, who conveniently used to work at Full
Sail, so he was able to detail the differences in classes and such
between the 2 schools.  I have to say though, seeing as this one
is in Hollywood, it has an advantage over Full Sail already… plus
their methods sound more appealing to me anyway… 
equiptment-wise I think they are on pretty much the same level, so…

The ArcLight theater is right across the street from it, so that was
really cool too.  I saw National Treasure, which was
entertaining.  Oh yeah, and the Cafe in the ArcLight has really
good food.

Anyway, I should be cutting my hair shortly.  Whether it is cut
short, or shaved, depends entirely on how brave I am feeling at the
time I arrive there 😉  You will find out whenever you see
me.  Or after someone at home sees me and then they tell you,

Ok so anyway, I am going to go to the mall now.  Maybe I will see
some of you tomorrow.  If not, I guess I will force myself to wake
up despite the fact that it is 3 hours later there to see this
Christmas play and therefore will see you on Sunday morning.

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