haha… that was amazing.. by far the funniest thing to ever happen in this game…
i just started up a game of Escape Velocity Nova… and i started
a mission… and then I got annoyed because i ran out of gas and there
were only 2 ships in the system….. the one was too busy, and
the other wanted 9,000 credits…. it also happened to be a
Federation ship… so, being in my small entry-level shuttle,
with a pea shooter as a weapon, i did the only logical thing…..
i attacked the greedy punk.anyway, he ran out of missiles, and i got
his shields down to about 80 percent before he jumped to hyperspace and
ran away (wuss), and so then i opened fire on the jerk who was “too
busy”. yeah, who’s busy now?
anyway, i disabled his ship, i got the needed energy for my ship, and continued on my way.
sadly, i was thereafter prompty destroyed when i entered a federation
system and they extracted their revenge, with lots of big ships.
Boys. They’re amazing.
lol it happens. Good job. Way to show them what’s up.